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Pope labels Trump and Harris as candidates who are antagonistic towards life.

During a span of twelve days, the Pontifex undertook journeys across Asia and the Pacific region.
During a span of twelve days, the Pontifex undertook journeys across Asia and the Pacific region.

Pope labels Trump and Harris as candidates who are antagonistic towards life.

On a Friday, Pope Francis concludes his longest overseas journey till date. During a question-and-answer session, he refuses to endorse any candidate in the upcoming U.S. elections, stating that he views both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump as problematic figures.

As far as the Pope is concerned, both Harris and Trump have positions that go against the sanctity of life. He advises voters to choose the less detrimental option. During his travels, Francis expressed these views. Nonetheless, he urged U.S. citizens to exercise their right to vote.

Harris supports the right to abortion, while Trump has a hardline stance on immigration, labeling migrants as unwanted. In response to a question about endorsements, the Pope said, "Both are against life. The one expelling immigrants and the one promoting abortion," during his flight back home.

Trump has mentioned that if he wins the presidency again, he intends to deport immigrants in large numbers. Harris champions the right to abortion, which Francis labels as "murder." The U.S. electoral process takes place on November 5.

Upcoming Journeys

Over a period of twelve days, Pope Francis visited Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore in the Asia-Pacific region. Despite his age (87) and health issues, the trip seemed to have no adverse effects on him. He has another trip lined up towards the end of the month, to Luxembourg and Belgium.

Pope Francis left the Q&A session undecided about his potential visit to Argentina. Since he became Pope in 2013, he has never returned to his homeland. However, he dismissed rumors of attending the reopening ceremony of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris in December. Francis had to undergo abdominal surgery last year and has been battling bronchitis for an extended period, according to reports. His public appearances now frequently involve the use of a wheelchair.

In response to a question about endorsements, the Pope criticized both Harris and Trump, referring to their positions as problematic. Despite this, Donald Trump has stated that he intends to deport immigrants in large numbers if he wins the presidency again.

During the Q&A session, the Pope expressed his views on both candidates, labeling Harris's support for abortion as "murder" and viewing Trump's hardline stance on immigration as detrimental.

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