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Pompous Opening: King Charles loses government plans

The new British government intends to address the major issues in the country. In about 40 initiatives, housing construction, water pollution, and what will become of the Anti-Smoking Law are among the topics.

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Pompous Zemeronie: Klings Charles loses the government's plans.}

British Parliament - Pompous Opening: King Charles loses government plans

Two weeks after the government change in Britain, King Charles III opened Parliament with royal pomp. The Monarch read out the government program of the new Prime Minister Keir Starmer. The 61-year-old is the first head of government of the Labour Party since 14 years.

In the "King's Speech", a series of legislative initiatives were announced, with which Starmer intends to tackle problems such as housing shortages, crumbling infrastructure, and poor public transport connections. "Stability will be the foundation of the economic policy of my government", read King Charles from the program, which includes more than 35 bills. Economic growth is the "fundamental mission".

The 75-year-old King and his wife, Queen Camilla, who celebrated her 77th birthday on a Wednesday, had previously arrived with much pomp in a procession from Buckingham Palace in a carriage. The "State Opening of Parliament" is one of the most important dates in the royal and political calendar.

Among the legislative initiatives announced by the government is a planning law reform. This aims to simplify the construction of housing and large projects. Railway operators are to gradually pass into state ownership, and more competencies are to be transferred to local administrations. The rights of workers and tenants are to be strengthened.

A new state-owned company named GB Energy is to make investments in renewable energies more attractive. With more powers for the water regulator, the increasing pollution of rivers and coasts is to be stopped. People in Britain have repeatedly demonstrated against the introduction of unclear sewage into the sea.

A rapprochement with the EU is also on the agenda. Starmer is taking over plans from the previous government for a new regulatory body in football and a gradual ban on tobacco.

  1. The United Kingdom, under its new head of government Keir Starmer, will be focusing on economic stability, as mentioned in King Charles's speech during the State Opening of Parliament in London.
  2. The Government Program announced by Starmer includes over 35 bills, with a focus on tackling issues such as housing shortages in the United Kingdom.
  3. In his speech, King Charles III highlighted Adel, a town in the United Kingdom, as one of the areas that will benefit from the government's push towards strengthening workers' rights.
  4. The new government in the United Kingdom plans to transfer more competencies to local administrations, including in areas like railway operations and water regulation, in an effort to improve public services.
  5. As part of its efforts to promote sustainability, the United Kingdom's new government will establish a new state-owned company named GB Energy, which aims to make investments in renewable energies more attractive.

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