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Poll: Majority finds conditions according to Merkel worse

In December 2021, Olaf Scholz succeeded Merkel as Chancellor. Since then, many things have changed - for a majority not to the better.

According to many eligible voters, the situation in Germany has worsened since the end of Angela...
According to many eligible voters, the situation in Germany has worsened since the end of Angela Merkel's chancellorship, as a survey shows (archive picture).

Opinion research - Poll: Majority finds conditions according to Merkel worse

Since the end of Angela Merkel's chancellorship, according to many voters, the situation in Germany has worsened. This is evident from a survey by the opinion research institute YouGov. According to the survey, 61% of the 2030 interviewees believe that the situation in Germany has developed negatively since Merkel's departure from politics. A quarter of them consider that things have remained roughly the same.

A majority of those who see a deterioration attribute it at least in part to the work of the traffic light coalition. 28% therefore blame the "poor government" of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). 15% attribute the perceived deterioration to external factors. For more than half, both factors play a role.

On Wednesday, Angela Merkel celebrates her 70th birthday. The CDU politician was in the chancellery for 16 years as the first woman.

According to YouGov's survey, the interviewees were interviewed online between June 28 and July 3. The sample therefore represents the eligible voters from the age of 18 onwards.

  1. Despite celebrating her 70th birthday on Wednesday, Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, is still heavily criticized by a significant portion of the society, as indicated by a recent survey conducted by the YouGov Research Institute.
  2. The new government led by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has been found responsible by 28% of the respondents in the YouGov survey for the perceived deterioration in the situation in Germany since Angela Merkel's departure from politics.
  3. The YouGov survey also revealed that external factors are blamed by 15% of the interviewees for the worsening situation in Germany, with over half of the respondents considering both factors to be responsible.
  4. The survey conducted by YouGov Research Institute between June 28 and July 3 involved questioning 2030 eligible voters in Germany, aged 18 and above, to gather their opinions on the current situation in the country.
  5. Politics in Cologne, as in the rest of Germany, is heavily influenced by public opinion, with surveys like the one conducted by the YouGov Research Institute providing valuable insights into the sentiment of society towards the government and its policies.

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