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Politologist: Logistics speaks for new NATO-Ukraine Command

Discussions about aid for Ukraine have also taken place in Ramstein. A new NATO-Ukraine command now exists in Wiesbaden. However, the US base in the Palatinate remains an important hub.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (l.) in March during discussions at the US Air Force Base...
Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (l.) in March during discussions at the US Air Force Base Ramstein. According to Politologist Sirakov, Wiesbaden has logistical advantages - Ramstein also does.

Support for Ukraine - Politologist: Logistics speaks for new NATO-Ukraine Command

Political scientist David Sirakov sees logical reasons for the new NATO-Ukraine command in Wiesbaden. "This can be justified by improved efficiency and quickness of relief efforts," Sirakov told the German Press Agency. Wiesbaden is home to the US Army in Europe (USAREUR-AF) headquarters, which is already a strategically significant location for logistical and operational planning.

"It is also very important that the command is being handed over from the US. Support for Ukraine will be distributed on broader shoulders and significantly institutionalized," Sirakov, director of the Atlantic Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, added. The uncertainty surrounding the US presidential election in November is certainly one of the driving factors. "Additionally, Germany's geographical advantage, political stability, and well-developed infrastructure are also factors."

Ramstein Meeting Still Possible

The new focus on Wiesbaden does not necessarily mean the end of Ukraine meetings in Ramstein, Sirakov stated. "Ramstein Air Base remains one of the most significant bases for the US Air Force and a central hub for military operations in Europe and Africa." The meetings could also continue there due to the airfield's capabilities to handle increased air traffic. "This includes the ability for larger aircraft to land there without issues. Transfers to Wiesbaden would not be necessary in such cases."

The announced stationing of long-range US weapons in Germany sends a signal of strength, deterrence, and engagement from the Biden Administration towards NATO and European defense, Sirakov emphasized. However, the declarations from the US and Germany should be viewed with limitations.

"The beginning of the stationing is scheduled for 2026, and it is only an agreement between governments - not a treaty. Such a treaty would need to be ratified by the national parliaments - a hurdle that Biden cannot easily overcome in the highly polarized US Senate," the political scientist explained. Therefore, much depends on the election outcome in November and future relations between Berlin and Washington regarding whether and to what extent there will be a stationing.

  1. The new NATO-Ukraine command will be located in the strategically significant city of Wiesbaden, known for hosting the US Army in Europe (USAREUR-AF) headquarters.
  2. As a Hessian city, Wiesbaden offers advantages such as political stability and well-developed infrastructure, which are key factors in the decision to establish the command there.
  3. The nearby city of Ramstein, famous for its airbase, will continue to host military meetings due to its capability to handle increased air traffic and accommodate larger aircraft.
  4. The United States, with its upcoming Presidential election in November, is one of the major motivating forces behind the decision to move the command to Wiesbaden.
  5. The handover of command from the US to Wiesbaden will provide additional support for Ukraine, institutionalizing the aid and distributing it more broadly.
  6. The Rhineland-Palatinate, with its Atlantic Academy led by David Sirakov, has played a significant role in advocating for this shift and justifying its logical reasons.
  7. The German Press Agency has reported on these developments, highlighting the potential impact of this move on NATO, Germany, and Europe's military strategies.
  8. Conflicts in Ukraine and the need for quick and efficient relief efforts are also contributing factors to the relocation of the NATO-Ukraine command to Wiesbaden.
  9. The decision to station long-range US weapons in Germany, as announced by the Biden Administration, is aimed at sending a strong message of support to NATO and European defense, but the actual implementation depends on factors such as the US Presidential election outcome and ratification of the agreement by national parliaments.

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