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Politicians call for preparation for future pandemics

After the expert hearing in the Landtags-Health Committee on dealing with Corona, deputies are considering future pandemics. Their demands for good preparation are diverse.

Health politicians are warning of proper preparation for future pandemics (archive image)
Health politicians are warning of proper preparation for future pandemics (archive image)

health - Politicians call for preparation for future pandemics

Rheinland-Pfalz health politicians have warned of preparations for upcoming Pandemics. With pandemics caused by newly mutated viruses coming in shorter intervals, said SPD-deputy Oliver Kusch in the Landtags-Health Committee in Mainz. This was revealed during the expert hearing on protective measures against Corona about three weeks ago.

The establishment of a Pandemic Center with protective equipment at the Landeskrankenhaus in Andernach is therefore crucial, said Kusch. The collaboration between hospitals in five regions with maximum capacity, which was established during the Corona pandemic, could serve as a blueprint for hospital reform.

Many questions would arise again in a new pandemic

Whether kindergartens or schools would have to be closed, and similar questions would also arise in a new pandemic, said CDU-deputy Christoph Gensch. A cautious and restrained approach will also be important then. He spoke in favor of the establishment of a State Health Office as part of a comprehensive Federal Health Office.

His party colleague Michael Wäschenbach demanded more federal competence in combating pandemics. While the different regulations in the individual federal states had greatly annoyed people during Corona, said the CDU politician. It must also be clearly determined how to proceed in the event of triage - and the people must be prepared for it. Triage means that doctors and nurses determine a sequence of treatment for patients in the case of too few beds or ventilators, for example in a pandemic.

CDU calls for more federal competence

The new faction leader of the Free Voters, Helge Schwab, called for "stricter communication strategies" for future pandemics. In the case of people who no longer lived for long, more consideration should be given to the proportionality of the measures than during Corona.

FDP-deputy Steven Wink spoke in favor of building data centers in Germany for digital health offers such as video consultations. Data protection must be modernized so that data can also be used for research.

  1. In the State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate, discussions about enhancing preparedness for potential future Coronavirus or other pandemics have been ongoing.
  2. The collaboration between hospitals in regions like Rhineland and Mainz, proven effective during the Coronavirus pandemic, could potentially be utilized for improving healthcare facilities in Rhineland-Palatinate.
  3. CDU-deputy Michael Wäschenbach emphasized the importance of clarifying federal competence during pandemics, citing the confusion experienced over different state regulations during the Coronavirus crisis.
  4. The upcoming State Parliament session in Rhineland-Palatinate will likely involve discussions on the implementation of triage procedures in hospitals, should another pandemic arise.
  5. As part of the efforts to improve health infrastructure in Rhineland-Palatinate, there have been calls for building data centers in cities like Andernach to support digital health services.

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