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Political upheaval in Paris: Government urgently needed

France is facing a shambles after the new elections: A majority capable of governing is not in sight. The search for a solution is now feverish.

Joy and excitement after the surprising election result.
Joy and excitement after the surprising election result.

Election to the National Assembly - Political upheaval in Paris: Government urgently needed

After the surprising win of the Left in the French elections, uncertainty reigns over how a government can be formed. Premier Minister Gabriel Attal resigned as expected, but President Emmanuel Macron rejected his resignation and asked him to stay in office for now to maintain the stability of the country, according to the Elysee Palace in Paris.

Situation more complicated than anticipated

The search for his successor could be very difficult, as no alliance has achieved an absolute majority. The new French Left wants to quickly identify a candidate for the position of Prime Minister. This needs to be decided this week, either by consensus or through a vote among the Leftist parties, Socialist chief Olivier Faure told Franceinfo. It must not give the impression that the Left is unable to govern. Other representatives of the alliance expressed similar sentiments.

However, the Left went into the election without a clear frontrunner for the position of Prime Minister.

France's divided Left had come together only a few weeks ago as the New Popular Front. In the European elections at the beginning of June, the parties had run separately. The main point of contention is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the populist, euroskeptic figure who advocates a clear pro-Palestinian stance. He is heavily criticized within his own party.

The Left alliance, consisting of Leftists, Communists, Socialists, and Greens, does not have a clear leadership or a joint program. The groups planned to meet in the afternoon to explore a common course.

Macron remains silent

Macron has so far remained largely silent on the matter. He is politically obliged to appoint a Prime Minister from the largest coalition that is willing to govern. However, he is not obliged to follow the coalition's suggestion in every case. He can also choose another representative from the coalition.

On Sunday, it was only stated from the Elysee Palace that before the President makes decisions, he will wait for the final election results and the final composition of the National Assembly. "The President will, in his role as guardian of our institutions, ensure that the sovereign will of the French people is respected," it was stated.

Macron dissolved the National Assembly in June after his party's heavy defeat in the European elections and announced new elections. He aimed to build a relative majority of his centrist forces in the House. He has not succeeded. However, the defeat was not as heavy as expected, possibly because many voters wanted to prevent a victory for the far-right Rassemblement National (RN).

RN gives itself self-critical and confident statements

RN party leader Jordan Bardella admitted errors in the campaign and took responsibility. After the first round of voting a week ago, projections showed the RN still falling short of an absolute majority and potentially able to form the next government. Now, the party is in third place behind the Left and Macron's coalition. However, it is stronger than ever before in the Parliament.

Bardella looked self-confidently into the future: "We will govern and the wave carrying us is a powerful one that will bring us to power," he told BFMTV television.

Difficult government formation and standstill anticipated

How it will go from here remains to be seen. Parliamentarians have until July 18 to form factions. Whether the Left can establish a minority government on their own is uncertain. The other factions could topple such a government through a vote of no confidence. The Left could also try to gain support from the center-forces - either as a minority government with tolerance or in the form of a grand coalition.

Given the opposing political alignments, however, it is not foreseeable that this will succeed. Furthermore, the French political culture is rather geared towards confrontation than cooperation.

If none of the factions find a government majority, the current government could temporarily carry out administrative duties or an expert government could be appointed. France is facing a political standstill in such a scenario. A dissolution of the parliament by Macron and a new election would only be possible again in July 2025.

  1. The uncertainty over the formation of a new government has cast a shadow over France, following the Left's unexpected victory in the elections.
  2. In the face of this uncertainty, President Emmanuel Macron requested Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to remain in office temporarily to maintain the country's stability.
  3. The Left-wing alliance, comprising Leftists, Communists, Socialists, and Greens, is in search of a consensus or a vote to decide on their Prime Minister candidate this week.
  4. Socialist chief Olivier Faure emphasized the importance of avoiding giving the impression that the Left is incapable of governing during this process.
  5. Despite going into the elections without a clear frontrunner for the Prime Minister position, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the populist figure within the alliance, is a contentious figure due to his euroskeptic stance and criticisms within his party.
  6. Macron, who is not obliged to follow the coalition's suggestion in every case, is waiting for the final election results and the composition of the National Assembly before making decisions.
  7. RN party leader Jordan Bardella expressed confidence that his party would govern, despite their third-place position behind the Left and Macron's coalition, emphasizing the party's strength in the Parliament.
  8. Given the political culture in France that leans towards confrontation rather than cooperation, the formation of a government may face considerable challenges, possibly leading to a political standstill or the appointment of an expert government to carry out temporary administrative duties.
  9. If new elections become necessary due to a dissolution of the parliament by Macron, they can only occur again in July 2025, adding to the uncertainty and instability in French politics.

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