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"Political Islam does not belong to Germany"

Linnemann in the "ntv Frühstart"

"Political Islam does not belong to Germany"

In its new program, the CDU calls for a stricter course against radical Muslims. CDU Secretary General Linnemann calls for a commitment to German values. He is backing the FDP in the budget dispute between the two parties.

The day after the presentation of the CDU's new platform, General Secretary Carsten Linnemann tightens his tone towards radical Muslims. When asked whether former Federal President Christian Wulff's statement that Islam belongs to Germany still applies, Linnemann said on "ntv Frühstart": "I don't think political Islam belongs to Germany." The overwhelming number of Muslims in Germany want freedom and are fighting for it. "And that is why we must not allow political Islam, political Islamism, to gain a foothold in Germany."

Linnemann demanded that mosques should not be financed from abroad and imams should not be sent from there. When naturalizing people, a commitment to German values is needed. "If we don't stand by our values, then we shouldn't be surprised if those who come to us don't take us seriously."

"Now the house of cards is collapsing"

The Secretary General defended the demand in the CDU's draft program to only examine asylum applications from migrants in third countries outside the EU. "What use is it if we take in Syrians and Afghans here in Germany - we can't manage that on a mass scale." Therefore, only those people who already have a positive asylum decision should be allowed to come. There is a "coalition of the willing" for such a system in the EU. This includes, above all, countries in the east and north, including Austria, which are "prepared to say that if Germany joins in, we will too".

Linnemann believes that the CDU's new program emphasizes that it is capable of governing again. It had hit rock bottom after the 2021 Bundestag elections, but had risen again. "And now we have a program that's really something." He has always campaigned for the Union to be distinguishable from other parties. "That has now happened." Linnemann did not want to comment on which potential coalition partner he could implement the program with. "I want every voter who goes to the polls to know what would happen if the CDU had an absolute majority."

In the federal government's budget dispute, Linnemann is backing FDP leader Christian Lindner. He is a man of principle. Lindner will not allow tax increases and will stick to the debt brake. "That's why the FDP is an important little corrective in this traffic light government." The coalition was built on sand overall and was only held together by money. "And now the whole house of cards is collapsing." The coalition partners now need to reach an agreement quickly in order to give the economy planning security.

Read also:

In response to the CDU's stance against radical Muslims, Friedrich Merz, a prominent CDU member, expressed his agreement with General Secretary Carsten Linnemann's comments that political Islam does not belong to Germany. Linnemann's statements were made during an interview on "ntv Frühstart," where he also suggested that mosques should not be financed from abroad and imams should not be sent from abroad, emphasizing the need for a commitment to German values during the naturalization process.




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