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Policeman dies at 35 - he shot Anis Amri

Christmas market terror in Berlin

Thirteen people died in the attack on the Berlin Christmas market.
Thirteen people died in the attack on the Berlin Christmas market.

Policeman dies at 35 - he shot Anis Amri

After the terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Berlin in 2016, the attacker Anis Amri fled to Italy and was shot by a police officer there. The man, who was not honored in Germany due to his fascist beliefs, is no longer alive.

At the age of only 35, the Italian policeman Luca Scata died, who had confronted the attacker Anis Amri at the Berlin Christmas market near the Memorial Church in 2016. The policeman succumbed to the consequences of a cancer illness, as the community of Sesto San Giovanni announced.

Scata was reportedly on patrol in a city north of Milan the day before Christmas Eve, accompanied by another policeman. The two officers noticed a suspicious man during document control, who drew his pistol and was shot in the ensuing gunfight.

Scata - at the time still on probation in service - received a gold medal for civil bravery from the Italian state for this. Mayor Roberto Di Stefano praised the deceased policeman again for his great courage. His death left a large void.

No Honors in Germany

However, Scata was also supposed to be honored in Germany. But ultimately, this was abandoned after hints of his fascist inclinations became clear through images and contributions on social media.

At the Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz on December 19, 2016, the Islamist Anis Amri drove a truck into a crowd. Thirteen people were killed, dozens were injured. According to the statements of the terrorist organization Islamic State, the attacker acted on their behalf.

Despite his heroic actions in stopping the Islamist terrorist Anis Amri during the attack on the Berlin Christmas Market in 2016, Luca Scata's potential honors in Germany were withdrawn due to emerging evidence of his fascist beliefs. The attack itself, carried out by Amri, resulted in the tragic loss of 13 lives and injured numerous others at the Breitscheidplatz market. Islamism and its extremist ideologies continue to inspire such terror attacks around the globe, including the Berlin incident, which highlights the need for vigilance and cooperation in the fight against these dangerous ideologies in the realm of politics.

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