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Police report puts CDU politician Jan Redmann in distress

After alcohol ride on e-scooters

Jan Redmann still believes there was no special reason for police control over him.
Jan Redmann still believes there was no special reason for police control over him.

Police report puts CDU politician Jan Redmann in distress

Jan Redmann, CDU's top candidate in Brandenburg, admits to being stopped by police after drinking and riding an e-scooter. He voluntarily surrendered his driver's license. However, some of Redmann's statements do not align with the police report.

An internal police report casts doubt on statements made by Brandenburg's CDU top candidate Jan Redmann regarding his alcohol-fueled ride on an electric scooter. According to the CDU state and faction leader, Redmann was stopped without explanation by the officers. "The police officer and the policewoman told me that it was a regular traffic control," Redmann stated at the time. "No specific reason for the control was mentioned to me."

However, according to the police report, which was obtained by "Spiegel," Redmann was controlled "due to his driving behavior by the on-duty officers." The "Markische Allgemeine" was the first to report this. Additionally, blood was drawn from Redmann, while he had only reported an alcohol breath test and stated that he had voluntarily surrendered his driver's license.

In response to an inquiry from "Spiegel," Redmann confirmed that he had indeed undergone a blood test. "The result is still unknown to me. However, I am aware of the result of the breath test. And I went public with everything, including potential consequences, just over twelve hours after the control," the CDU politician shared. He will be informed of the blood test result as soon as it becomes available.

Redmann stated that it was important for him to come clean about his mistakes. Therefore, he voluntarily surrendered his driver's license to the police instead of waiting for a court order. Redmann continues to maintain that the police did not give him a specific reason for the stop.

Redmann believes CDU has his back

Redmann also does not seem to be feeling political pressure. He told the magazine that he still feels the support of his party. After discussing the incident with all the committees, he has only received positive feedback. This support has not wavered, according to Redmann.

However, criticism comes from coalition partners. SPD Landtagsfraktion leader Daniel Keller made it clear: "If it is proven that this was not a routine control or that he had to surrender his driver's license, then he is unfit to be Minister-President," Keller stated.

Green fraction leader Benjamin Raschke also demanded clarification: "Redmann concealed the blood draw, the traffic control apparently took place based on suspicion, and his driver's license should have been surrendered at this BAC [Blood Alcohol Content] in any case," Raschke said.

Redmann intends to remain the CDU's top candidate in the state, and his campaign is scheduled to begin on Monday. The new Brandenburg state parliament will be elected on September 22.

Despite the discrepancies between Jan Redmann's statements and the police report about his E-Scooter ride under the influence, the CDU still stands by him as their top candidate in the Brandenburg State Elections. However, coalition partners like SPD and the Greens have criticized Redmann for concealing the details of the incident, including the blood draw and potential suspension of his driver's license due to alcohol levels.

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