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Police raids on a Muslim association in Braunschweig and Berlin.

The Ministry of Interior in Lower Saxony is enacting measures against a Muslim organization. These searches are not limited to Braunschweig.

The police searched a total of eight properties.
The police searched a total of eight properties.

Illegal activity or offense against the law - Police raids on a Muslim association in Braunschweig and Berlin.

This morning, police special forces conducted searches in the Braunschweig German-speaking Muslim Community (DMG) and other locations in Berlin.

Eight objects in total were searched, as reported by a representative from the Lower Saxony Interior Ministry. This action aims to carry out a club ban that prevents the club's former members from continuing its activities, as well as any third parties representing the banned group. The representative chose not to provide additional details due to the ongoing searches. Initially, the North German Broadcasting Corporation and "Spiegel" reported on the raid.

Further details about the raid and the club ban are expected to be released later today. The Lower Saxony Interior Ministry previously announced that the Braunschweig club served as a gathering spot for Salafist preachers.

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