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Police officers turn away 37 hooligans during border controls

On the occasion of the European Football Championship

Police officers turn away 37 hooligans during border controls
Police officers turn away 37 hooligans during border controls

Police officers turn away 37 hooligans during border controls

The Federal Police have denied entry to more than 30 apparently violent football fans at the borders with Bavaria. This was announced by the Federal Police Directorate in Munich.

Border controls were reintroduced on June 7th due to the Football European Championship. According to the Directorate, a total of 37 people were denied entry into the Free State due to their status as alleged violent fans during the first 20 days of controls.

The Federal Police Directorate Munich is responsible for the protection of the over 800 kilometer long border with Austria and over 350 kilometer long border with the Czech Republic. In the nearly three weeks of controls, according to the officers, 186 people were arrested at the borders, as they were wanted on arrest warrants. That's one arrest every two and a half hours, reported the Federal Police.

  1. The occasion of the European Football Championship led to the reintroduction of border controls, resulting in the denial of entry for 30 potential hooligans by policemen at the German borders.
  2. Despite the reinstatement of border controls from June 7th, some hooligans managed to slip through during the first 20 days, but policemen were able to arrest 186 individuals wanted on arrest warrants at the Austrian and Czech Republic borders.
  3. During the European Football Championship, enhanced border controls were put in place by the Federal Police Directorate in Munich, resulting in the denial of entry for violent football fans on several occasions, such as the incident with 30 individuals at the Bavarian borders.

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