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Police crack down on anti-Israel demo in Turkey

Demonstrations in connection with the Gaza war are not only taking place in Germany - there was also a rally outside a US airbase in Turkey. The police had to crack down.

Riots broke out during a pro-Palestine demonstration in front of the American-Turkish Incirlik
Riots broke out during a pro-Palestine demonstration in front of the American-Turkish Incirlik

Police crack down on anti-Israel demo in Turkey

According to media reports, there were clashes with the police during an anti-Israeli demonstration in front of the US airbase Incirlik in Turkey. Some demonstrators broke away from the rally and tried to enter the grounds of the base, reported the broadcaster NTV and the newspaper "Hürriyet". The police used tear gas and water cannons and pushed the demonstrators back.

The Islamic Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) had organized the rally. Footage from the foundation showed demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and those of the Islamist Hamas. Hamas, which rules Gaza, is listed as a terrorist organization in Israel, the USA and Europe, but not in Turkey.

The IHH had already set off on Friday with a convoy from Istanbul, more than 900 kilometers away, and arrived in Incirlik on Sunday. The Islamist party Hüda Par, which is part of the government alliance, is calling for Incirlik to be closed to the US Air Force because Israel is supported by the USA.

The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Palestine, led to the organization of an anti-Israel demonstration by the Islamic Humanitarian Relief Foundation. Despite turbulent incidents involving tear gas and water cannons, demonstrators continued to wave Palistinian flags and those of Hamas, whose governing body, Hamas in Gaza, is considered a terrorist organization in Israel, the USA, and Europe, but not in Turkey.




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