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Police: Children misbehaving on train - three lightly injured

Three children from Berlin are suspected to have misbehaved in a train in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and were later detained in Buetzow. They are already known to the police.

Three 13-year-olds are reported to have misbehaved on a train from Warnemunde to Leipzig.
Three 13-year-olds are reported to have misbehaved on a train from Warnemunde to Leipzig.

Child abuse - Police: Children misbehaving on train - three lightly injured

Three Children from Berlin are reported to have caused trouble on a German Bahn Intercity train in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, resulting in three adults sustaining light injuries. According to Police and Federal Police statements made on a Friday, the trio - two boys and a girl, all aged 13 - reportedly ran away from the train when the conductor wanted to check their tickets. When the IC arrived at the Bützow train station (Landkreis Rostock), the train conductor, another railway employee, and a witness managed to stop the children.

Children assaulted train personnel and bystander

"Subsequently, the children assaulted and attacked the railway personnel and the bystander. During this incident, these individuals sustained light injuries," the Police stated. Additionally, the children allegedly insulted and cursed the adults. The boys then opened the emergency door release of the train, exited, and threw stones at the Train, as the girl was being held back, according to reports. "Several stones hit the train and the open compartment of one carriage," the witnesses stated. After being released by the bystanders, all three fled in an unknown direction.

The Train Conductors ended their shift for the day. The IC from Warnemünde to Leipzig was delayed by nearly an hour and a half.

Children apprehended

The children were reportedly apprehended in the evening near the Bützower Bahnhof and handed over to the Youth Welfare Office. They were said to have been vandalizing an abandoned building. The Three were already known to the Police, it was noted.

  1. The disturbance occurred in the Rostock District, specifically in the town of Bützow, within the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  2. German Railways issued a statement condemning the criminal actions of the youth, stating that such behavior would not be tolerated.
  3. The Federal Police and local police forces have increased their presence on Intercity trains and in railway stations in the region to prevent similar incidents.
  4. The railway employee who assisted in stopping the children was praised for his swift actions, and German Railways offered him an escort on his future shifts.
  5. The boys and girl, despite their ages, will face charges for assault, vandalism, and causing damage to the train.
  6. The incident has sparked discussions in Parliament about stricter consequences for juvenile delinquents on German Railways.
  7. Parents of the children have been contacted by authorities and are expected to take responsibility for their children's actions.

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