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Police: Arson attack on Hamburg-Bremen railway

Unknown individuals set a cable duct on a railway embankment on fire. This affects the Bremen-Hamburg railway line. Some trains cannot pass through Bremen Hauptbahnhof as a result.

Due to a cable fault, trains to and from Hamburg cannot pass through Bremen Hauptbahnhof.
Due to a cable fault, trains to and from Hamburg cannot pass through Bremen Hauptbahnhof.

railway - Police: Arson attack on Hamburg-Bremen railway

Unknown individuals have carried out an arson attack on the Hamburg-Bremen railway line. According to the police, no one was injured in the incident. The perpetrators reportedly set fire to the wires in a cable trench at a railway embankment in Bremen using an incendiary device.

As a result, ICE trains from North Rhine-Westphalia to Hamburg cannot pass through the main station in Bremen, according to a spokesperson for Deutsche Bahn. Instead, the trains are rerouted via Kirchweyhe (Landkreis Diepholz). The disruptions on the line are expected to last at least until the evening, according to their statements.

The fire department extinguished the flames. The extent of the damage, according to the Police, cannot be determined at this time. The criminal police have taken over the investigation, and the state security service is checking for a politically motivated background.

  1. The police are investigating whether this act of criminality on the Hamburg-Bremen railway line is isolated or part of a larger pattern.
  2. The traffic around the Central Station in Hamburg has been affected due to the diversion of ICE trains.
  3. The suspects, if found, might have fled the scene along the nearby railway track in Lower Saxony.
  4. The arrival and departure of trains from Hamburg's main station are temporarily affected, causing inconvenience for commuters in Germany.
  5. The cable duct, a crucial part of the rail infrastructure in the area, was targeted in the arson attack.
  6. Authorities in Hamburg and Bremen are closely monitoring the situation, hoping to restore normal service on the railway line as soon as possible.

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