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Police arrest nine suspected right-wing extremists

Raids in three federal states

During an attack by right-wing extremists, two federal policemen were also attacked.
During an attack by right-wing extremists, two federal policemen were also attacked.

Police arrest nine suspected right-wing extremists

The Third Way is a far-right splinter party. Alleged members of its youth organization have gained attention through acts of violence, even attacking federal police officers. The police are now conducting raids and have arrested nine suspects.

During raids against alleged supporters of the far-right party The Third Way in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Sachsen, ten apartments were searched and nine suspects were temporarily detained. This was announced by the police and the Berlin Prosecutor's Office. The suspects, aged 17 to 21, are believed to be members of the National Revolutionary Youth (NRJ), the youth organization of The Third Way.

The background is several acts of violence. On the one hand, there was an attack on several people on July 6 at the S-Bahn station Ostkreuz in Berlin. According to authorities, two federal police officers were also attacked when they intervened. Several people were injured and had to be treated. The initially unknown perpetrators were later identified. In addition, the suspects are accused of involvement in a robbery in January. A 20-year-old man was allegedly attacked and robbed for political reasons.

Weapons and propaganda material found

During the police action with 130 officers, all suspects were reportedly located and all measures in Berlin, Brandenburg, and Sachsen were carried out. Mobile devices, digital storage media, clothing, a vehicle, as well as dangerous items such as stun guns, hammers, gloves, and electroshocks were secured. Propaganda material was also found.

However, no arrest warrants were requested, according to a spokesperson for the Berlin Prosecutor's Office on request. Instead, the suspects were to be released after the completion of the police measures. The investigations are being led by the state criminal police, who are responsible for investigating political crimes.

  1. The alleged acts of violence by members of The Third Way's youth organization, the National Revolutionary Youth (NRJ), have led to intense scrutiny, with several raids conducted by the federal police to apprehend suspects.
  2. Amidst the raids, numerous dangerous items such as stun guns, hammers, gloves, and electroshocks were confiscated, along with propaganda material linked to right-wing extremism, suggesting a deeper involvement in such activities.
  3. The federal police, in cooperation with the state criminal police, are investigating the role of these suspects in various incidents, including the attack on federal police officers and the January robbery that was politically motivated.

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