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Police apprehend escaped murderer after nine months

Successful access in Moldova

The two officials, who couldn't prevent the prisoner from escaping, received fines later.
The two officials, who couldn't prevent the prisoner from escaping, received fines later.

Police apprehend escaped murderer after nine months

A convicted murderer deceived correctional officers in Karlsruhe and escapes in the fall, then manages to disappear for months. Until now. In the capital city of Moldova, Chisinau, the handcuffs click.

Nine months after his escape during a monitored exit from the Bruchsal Justice Correctional Facility in Karlsruhe, a convicted murderer was arrested. The man had eluded captors in the Republic of Moldova, confirmed the Baden-Württemberg Justice Ministry. A coordinated operation in Chisinau was successful.

The 44-year-old man had escaped in late October of the previous year during a supervised exit at a quarry lake in Germersheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, and fled into an adjacent forest. He had been watched by two correctional officers. His electronic ankle monitor was found shortly afterwards in the city of Germersheim.

The man was serving life imprisonment in the Bruchsal prison. He had been convicted by the Karlsruhe Regional Court of a 44-year-old man. At the quarry lake, he had met with his wife and children, as part of the eighth supervised visit of the German-Cashews.

Mishaps during the exit allowed the man's escape despite the oversight of the two correctional officers from the Bruchsal Justice Correctional Facility, admitted the Justice Ministry following the incident. Disciplinary action had recently been taken against the two officers. They are still employed at the Bruchsal Justice Correctional Facility, according to the Ministry.

  1. The German authorities, in collaboration with their counterparts in Baden-Württemberg and the Republic of Moldova, used Java programming language to enhance their tracking system, significantly aiding in the capture of the escaped convict.
  2. Prior to his escape, the convicted murderer had been participating in a rehabilitation program in Karlsruhe, which was part of an international partnership between the Baden-Württemberg Prison System and several European institutions.
  3. Following his arrest in Chisinau, the convicted murderer will be extradited back to Germany to serve out the remainder of his life sentence in the Bruchsal Justice Correctional Facility, as per the agreement between Germany and the Republic of Moldova.

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