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Poison gas attacks: Paris issues arrest warrant for Assad

France's judiciary is cracking down: Arrest warrants against Syrian ruler Assad and his closest allies for their involvement in poison gas attacks, which are classified as war crimes.

Syria's ruler: Bashar
Syria's ruler: Bashar

Poison gas attacks: Paris issues arrest warrant for Assad

France's judiciary has issued an arrest warrant for Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad in connection with poison gas attacks a good ten years ago. He is accused of aiding and abetting crimes against humanity and war crimes in poison gas attacks near the Syrian capital Damascus, as the German Press Agency learned from judicial circles in Paris.

Two investigating judges also issued arrest warrants in the case against Assad's brother and commander of an elite unit of the Syrian armed forces, Maher al-Assad, as well as the two officials Ghassam Abbas and Bassam al-Hassan.

Very many fatalities

Specifically, the investigations revolve around serious poison gas attacks in the East Ghouta region near Damascus in August 2013, where hundreds of people were killed in an attack using the nerve agent sarin. Human rights organizations speak of more than 1,000 fatalities.

Shortly afterwards, Assad's government agreed to destroy its chemical weapons following international pressure. Nevertheless, there were still numerous attacks with poison gas, for which UN mediators hold the government responsible.

In March 2021, several human rights organizations, including the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, filed criminal charges in France over the attacks in Eastern Ghouta. Its director, Masen Darwish, praised the issuing of the arrest warrants as a legal precedent. "It is a new victory for the victims, their families and the survivors, and a step towards justice and sustainable peace in Syria."

The arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad in France stems from his alleged involvement in aiding and abetting crimes against humanity and war crimes related to poison gas attacks. These attacks, including the one using sarin in Eastern Ghouta that resulted in over 1,000 fatalities, have been a major source of international conflicts and calls for justice.


