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Pistorius visits military exercise in Alaska ahead of NATO summit

The far north is of geostrategic importance to NATO. On his way to the NATO summit, the Minister of Defense visits German soldiers in Alaska who are training there with partners.

Pistorius wants to find out about the progress of the Arctic Defender 2024 exercise. (
Pistorius wants to find out about the progress of the Arctic Defender 2024 exercise. (

Alliance defense - Pistorius visits military exercise in Alaska ahead of NATO summit

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) arrived for a visit at German soldiers in Alaska prior to the NATO summit. The minister arrived in Fairbanks on Sunday (local time) to obtain information about the exercise Arctic Defender 2024. Fighter pilots from several countries train together with the USA and under German leadership air combat operations under NATO standards in Alaska. Accepted is a scenario of an attack on the Alliance and the invocation of the "Article 5" clause, where an attack on one or more Allies is collectively defended against. The air force had begun the large-scale exercise Pacific Skies 24 for the deployment of aircraft far beyond Europe in mid-June. The NATO summit with celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the Alliance begins on Tuesday in Washington.

Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister from the SPD party, visited German troops in Alaska on a Sunday. His primary objective was to gather insights about the upcoming Military exercise Arctic Defender 2024. This exercise involves fighter pilots from various nations, including the USA, conducting air combat operations under NATO standards in Alaska. The scenario for this exercise includes a potential attack on the Alliance, triggering the activation of the "Article 5" clause, which mandates collective defense against any attack on one or more Allies. Coincidentally, the air force had initiated the large-scale exercise Pacific Skies 24 for the deployment of aircraft beyond Europe, around mid-June. The upcoming NATO summit, commemorating the alliance's 75th anniversary, is scheduled to take place in Washington on Tuesday, featuring celebrations.

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