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Pistorius seeks military sign-up and compulsory forms completion.

Heading to mandatory military conscription.

Pistorius wants military registration and mandatory questionnaires
Pistorius wants military registration and mandatory questionnaires

Pistorius seeks military sign-up and compulsory forms completion.

The German Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, has put forth a proposal that could mark the beginning of a new conscription system. This proposal offers a way to revive the suspended mandatory registration of conscripts, which was suspended 13 years ago. The plan additionally requires young men to complete a questionnaire concerning their willingness and capacity to serve and to attend a conscription selection process. The government plans to create additional capacities for conscription.

Pistorius's proposition is the first step towards a potential reintroduction of compulsory military service. He intends to proceed with the accessible steps during the current legislative period and requires an extension of the Wehrpflichtgesetz for young men. Military planners project that approximately 400,000 people will fill out the questionnaire, with around a quarter demonstrating interest. After selection, approximately 40,000 candidates would be chosen for conscription. Currently, there is the capacity to train 5,000 to 7,000 recruits, which should increase. A service lasting from six to twelve months is proposed. Pistorius is expected to inform the Bundestag's Defense Committee about his plans on Wednesday morning and present them publicly at an afternoon press conference.

Recently, there has been strong opposition to the reintroduction of compulsory military service, particularly within the SPD. Lars Klingbeil, an SPD leader, advocated for continuing to rely on voluntary recruitment: "We should try voluntarily to make the Bundeswehr even more appealing." Omid Nouripour, the Green Party leader, firmly stated in January that he doesn't support conscription. Criticism also came from the FDP, but a turnaround is possible.

The completion of the questionnaire and conscription if invited would be mandatory. Pistorius is said to argue in favor of creating a compulsory military service even during times of peace if there are not enough recruits.

Conscription was abolished in Germany in 2011 by Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. This also ended the compulsory military and civilian service. However, the Wehrpflichtgesetz still states that the conscription for men will be restored if the Bundestag declares a conflict and defense situation, without any apparent plans being in place for such an event.

Despite a personnel offensive, the Bundeswehr dwindled to 181,500 soldiers and soldiers last year. Pistorius has tested various conscription models, and he has suggested that voluntary service alone is insufficient. He remarked during a government hearing that he does not rely solely on voluntary service: "In my firm belief, it will not work without compulsory service components." Pistorius insists that Germany must become capable of engaging in a defense war with NATO allies to offer credible deterrence to potential adversaries.

Moreover, he has expressed understanding for the disquiet occasioned by the term "combat readiness" during the recent Tag der Bundeswehr. The object is to clarify through the appropriate terms what the aim is. "It's about being able to wage a defense war if attacked - thereby being prepared for the worst, so as not to be caught off guard."

In the conscription debate, the question of constitutional military justice is significant. The Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung mentions that more conscripted men than necessary have served in the army since the foundation of the Bundeswehr, which is considered unfair. The state also knows other mandatory services, such as serving as a judge. Every citizen is required to perform this task as an honorary judge. When a volunteer fire department doesn't emerge, a compulsory fire department is set up, and municipalities must then designate suitable people for fire services. For the conscription of young women, the Basic Law would need to be amended.

The chairman of the Bundeswehr Association, Colonel André Wüstner, called for decisive action toward a new conscription before the Pistorius plans were made known. The Bundeswehr Association chairman stated in Berlin that the personnel numbers in the Bundeswehr had reached their lowest level since 2018, and "In the upcoming days, it will become apparent who, at least in terms of defense policy, has undergone a change of opinion." He emphasized that any expert who claims to have done so would not be able to reject a new type of service or conscription without sound reason.

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Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister, actively supports his proposal to revive mandatory military service registration, a move that could potentially reinstate compulsory military service for young men. Boris Pistorius, in his plan, requires young men to complete compulsory forms and attend conscription selection processes, with the German Armed Forces preparing to increase their training capacities.



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