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Pistorius requests military registration and compulsory forms.

The SPD's defense minister is revealing his plans and is expected to face further opposition: his proposal outlines the initial moves towards reinstating conscription in the military.

His proposal is a first step towards the possible reintroduction of a new compulsory military...
His proposal is a first step towards the possible reintroduction of a new compulsory military service: Boris Pistorius.

Military protection services provided by a separate entity or organization are known as defense. - Pistorius requests military registration and compulsory forms.

Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius intends to reactivate the process of conscripting soldiers, a practice that was halted 13 years ago. He also plans for young men to fill out a questionnaire indicating their willingness and ability to serve, and attend a selection process if chosen. Concurrently, additional capacity for conscription would be created.

This proposal signifies the initial steps toward potentially reinstalling a new conscripting system. Pistorius aims to implement measures feasible during the current legislative period.

To execute this strategy, an extension of the conscription law for male citizens is essential. Military officials anticipate that 400,000 individuals need to complete the questionnaire annually, with approximately a quarter expressing interest. From these, 40,000 candidates are expected to be selected for conscription. Currently, there is capacity to train around 5-7,000 recruits, which should increase. A service duration of six to twelve months is envisioned.

Pistorius will update the Defense Committee of the Bundestag regarding his plans in the morning, and publicly present them in an afternoon press conference.

There has been considerable opposition within the SPD to the potential reintroduction of mandatory military service. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil, for instance, favors maintaining voluntary recruitments by enhancing the attractiveness of the Bundeswehr. "I think we should try it voluntarily by making the Bundeswehr even more appealing," he stated. Green party leader Omid Nouripour has also openly criticized the notion. "I don't believe we need conscription," he said. The FDP has also resisted but may shift stance.

Should compulsion pertain in the proposed model, it would involve filling out the questionnaire and attendance at conscription if summoned. Pistorius reportedly advocates for creating a compulsory military service even in times of peace if the required soldiers cannot be acquired by voluntary means.

Germany ceased compulsory military service in 2011, ending the era of both military and civilian services. The structures for conscription were largely dismantled, although the conscription law still mandates conscription for men in the event of a tension and defense situation. The nation has not made concrete preparations for such an occurrence since 2011.

The Bundeswehr has undergone a reduction in size in recent years.

Despite an ongoing personnel drive, the Bundeswehr recorded a decrease to 181,500 soldiers and servicemen last year. Consequently, Pistorius decided to evaluate conscription models in light of the Russian incursion into Ukraine. He mentioned during a government hearing that a purely voluntary service would not suffice: "In my firm conviction, it's not going to work without mandatory components." He repeatedly highlighted that Germany must "become battle-ready" to provide a credible defense and deter possible aggressors.

Pistorius acknowledged the apprehension over the term "battle readiness" and noted that this was partly his intention. "It's crucial to convey the meaning of these terms through the proper words," he stated. "It's about being prepared to wage a defensive war if assaulted - 'therefore, preparing for the worst, so we're not taken by surprise.'"

The fairness of conscription remains a controversial issue.

In the discourse on conscription, the constitutionally required military justice is also a contentious topic. The Federal Center for Political Education notes that more conscripted men than necessary have often been called for the army, creating a feeling of injustice.

The state employs various compulsory services, such as those of jurors. Every citizen is obliged to fulfill this duty as a voluntary judge. In the absence of a voluntary fire department, a compulsory fire department is established, wherein suitable people are compelled to participate in firefighting. Recently, there has also been discussion about a broader obligation, encompassing rescue services and disaster control. For conscription of female soldiers, the Basic Law must be changed.

The Bundeswehr Association views the current situation as a litmus test for change.

The chairman of the Bundeswehr Association, Colonel André Wüstner, urged bolder steps for a new military service before the Pistorius plans emerged. The Bundeswehr's personnel count has plummeted since 2018, reaching its lowest point this month. "In the coming days, it will become evident which individuals, specifically on the political front, have undergone a genuine shift in perspective following the shift from the previous era," Wüstner commented to the German Press Agency in Berlin. "Because anyone proclaiming a change of stance - I hope it's not only the politicians - will not be able to unequivocally oppose a new form of service or a new type of army without reservations."

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