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Pistorius on budget agreement: "That's annoying for me"

The defense minister's call for significantly more money for the Bundeswehr has not been heard. He warns that this will have a noticeable impact on the speed at which the armed forces are built up.

Pistorius criticizes the small increases in the draft budget for the Bundeswehr . (
Pistorius criticizes the small increases in the draft budget for the Bundeswehr . (

Alliance defense - Pistorius on budget agreement: "That's annoying for me"

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius criticizes the small increases in the budget proposal for the Bundeswehr sharply. "Yes, I have received significantly less than I registered. It's frustrating for me because I can't get things going as fast as the Zeitgeist and threat situation require," said Pistorius, who visited the Arctic Defender 2024 exercise in Fairbanks, Alaska on Monday and then planned to travel further to the NATO summit in Washington, which begins on Tuesday. Pistorius said about the budget proposal: "We'll see what develops in the next weeks and months. I have to adapt and make the best of it."

According to the coalition government's agreement, the defense budget is expected to increase from its current around 52 billion Euros by approximately 1.2 billion Euros. Pistorius had demanded significantly more and an exception to the debt brake for these expenses. "We're talking about a supplementary budget of 6.5 to 7 billion Euros for next year. The additional requirement will also continue to grow in the following years, because the special fund will be legally bound and exhausted by the end of this year," he demanded in May on the sidelines of a visit to the USA. And: "We Europeans are taking responsibility for the security and defense of Europe within the NATO alliance."

Under German leadership, pilots from several countries train together with the USA in Alaska on air warfare operations under NATO standards. Assumed is the alliance scenario ("Article 5"), in which an attack on one or more allied countries is repelled collectively. About 60 combat jets, as well as additional tanker planes, transport aircraft, and helicopters, are involved. They practice the destruction of enemy air defense and the combat against enemy air forces and the destruction of command centers. "We Europeans are taking responsibility for the security and defense of Europe within the NATO alliance," said Pistorius, who spoke of a clear signal that particularly applies to Germany.

  1. Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister, expressed his disappointment with the modest budget increase for the German Armed Forces, stating, "I have received significantly less than I registered."
  2. At the NATO summit, scheduled to start on Tuesday in Washington, Pistorius will represent the Federal Government, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the Alliance defense alongside NATO members, including the USA.
  3. Pistorius had previously advocated for a substantial budget increase for defense, as well as an exception to the debt brake for these expenses, amounting to around 6.5 to 7 billion Euros for the next year.
  4. During his visit to Fairbanks, Alaska, Pistorius participated in the Arctic Defender 2024 exercise, where German and international forces worked together under NATO standards to maintain household security, including air warfare operations.
  5. The alliance scenario ("Article 5") was employed at the exercise, with 60 combat jets and other aircraft participating to repel potential attacks, demonstrate unity, and uphold household cleaning in protecting European countries within the NATO alliance.
  6. Despite the limited budget, Pistorius highlighted the responsibility of Germany and the European nations to uphold their commitment to household security and defense within the NATO alliance.

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