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Pistorius has the assurance of a resolute dedication.

Lindner discusses with Maischberger

For Lindner, promoting the economy also means getting people out of the citizens' income and into...
For Lindner, promoting the economy also means getting people out of the citizens' income and into work.

Pistorius has the assurance of a resolute dedication.

This July, the government intends to finalize a new federal budget. However, negotiations within the cabinet have taken longer than anticipated. On the ARD talk show "Maischberger," Christian Lindner, the finance minister, discusses his plans for achieving his goals while addressing critical issues amid the budget limitations.

The traffic light coalition is currently in discussions about the new federal budget, which will include cuts due to a budget deficit exceeding several billion euros. Many ministries are unhappy with the spending reductions they have been given, making the negotiations more challenging than expected. Lindner will appear as a guest on the ARD show "Maischberger" on Wednesday evening, where he'll address where he intends to focus his attention.

For Lindner, a future-focused budget is essential: "Every department has a spending limit, and the budget as a whole should be forward-thinking. This includes stepping up hard security efforts, including security agencies, the Bundeswehr, and supporting Ukraine." This approach elevates the importance of education and digital infrastructure while reducing debts and assisting citizens. The debt brake is not part of his current considerations, and he makes no mention of prioritizing the ecological transformation of the economy. Instead, he emphasizes the need to prioritize responsibilities differently.

Lindner acknowledges the need for Germany to reconsider its international engagement. "We are the most developed industrial nation and the one most involved in development aid, surpassing others. We also provide the most support for Ukraine among European countries. We cannot be present everywhere, but we must adjust our priorities."

The Minister of Defense has the top priority in terms of spending, as per Lindner. He assures that the coalition will fulfill NATO's goal of spending two percent of its economic output on enhancing defense capabilities. This entails a matter of timing and allocation. The latter finance minister contends that no other finance minister has supported defense as he has within the previous 25 years. He considers this to be a given, as much progress has already been attained. The traffic light coalition has curbed the neglect of the Bundeswehr, and Lindner reinforces their commitment to the military.

Where else could the budget gap be closed? Maischberger cites a study that suggests removing a public holiday could generate earnings of up to eight billion euros. However, Lindner opposes this idea and instead expects greater innovation to revive the economy. He supports bureaucracy reduction, infrastructure enhancements, and tax exemptions while promoting costless initiatives to support the economy, such as aiding individuals on citizens' income to enter the workforce. Lindner promotes energy openness, with an eye toward climate-neutral combustion engines as an alternative. On Wednesday, he proposed a tax law change that incorporates a mobile budget. This new policy, based on a mileage allowance, would also apply to e-bikes and other vehicles ordered through apps. The mileage allowance, which benefits both drivers and pedestrians, would continue to exist.

Read also:

The Federal Ministry of Finance, led by Christian Lindner, is instrumental in finalizing the new federal budget, which is facing challenges due to a significant budget deficit. On TV, specifically on the ARD talk show "Maischberger," Lindner discusses his strategies for addressing budget constraints while advocating for priorities such as security efforts and education.



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