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Pistorius begins the process of mandatory military service. Oscar Pistorius begins the track towards compulsory military service.

Compulsory questionnaire for defense registration

The defense minister's plans are likely to encounter headwinds.
The defense minister's plans are likely to encounter headwinds.

Pistorius begins the process of mandatory military service. Oscar Pistorius begins the track towards compulsory military service.

The German military, Bundeswehr, is in dire need of more personnel. One potential solution is the reinstatement of conscription. So far, the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) leadership has shown little enthusiasm for this idea. However, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has now publicly come out in favor of it, opposing his own party members.

Pistorius' plan is to reassess the capabilities of conscripts, a measure that was suspended 13 years ago. He also wants to ask young men to fill out a survey about their willingness and readiness to serve, and attend a draft if selected. Furthermore, additional capacity for drafts is being planned.

This is a preliminary move towards potentially reintroducing conscription. Pistorius also aims to take actionable steps during the current legislative period. Extending the conscription law for young men is necessary for this plan to begin. It is expected that 400,000 individuals will fill out the questionnaire, with a quarter of them potentially expressing interest.

The plan entails summoning 40,000 candidates for the draft. Currently, there is training capacity for 5,000-7,000 recruits, which will likely increase. The proposed service would last between six and twelve months. Pistorius intends to inform the Defense Committee of the Bundestag about his plans soon and present them to the public at a press conference in the afternoon.

Opposition to Compulsory Military Service

Opposition to mandatory military service has been strong, particularly within the SPD. SPD leader Lars Klingbeil has advocated for relying solely on voluntary service, stating, "I think we should give it a try by making the Bundeswehr even more appealing." Green Party chairman Omid Nouripour has also been vocal against it, saying, "I don't think we need conscription." There has been resistance from the FDP as well, but a change in course is possible.

In the Pistorius model, completing the questionnaire and attending the draft would be mandatory. Pistorius reportedly believes that mandatory service should be possible even in peacetime if there aren't enough volunteers.

Conscription was abolished in Germany in 2011 by Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg after 55 years. This move ended both military and civilian service, and most conscription-related structures were eliminated. While the Conscription Act still states that conscription for men will be reinstated if the Bundestag declares a tension or defense emergency, there have been no concrete preparations made since 2011.

Despite an aggressive recruitment campaign, the Bundeswehr decreased to 181,500 soldiers last year. Pistorius has been examining models of compulsory service, especially in light of the Russian attack on Ukraine. He had previously hinted at a government hearing that he didn't see voluntary service as sufficient, stating, "In my firm conviction, it won't work without mandatory service components." He frequently emphasized that Germany must become combat-ready to deter potential adversaries credibly.

At a recent Tag der Bundeswehr event, Pistorius acknowledged that the term "combat readiness" might scare some people. "The right words are needed to make it clear what it's about," he said. It's about being prepared for a defensive war if attacked — "being ready for the worst, so as not to face it."

When discussing conscription, the issue of constitutional military justice arises. The Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung points out that there have been more conscripted soldiers than needed for the army since the Bundeswehr's inception. This situation is often viewed as unfair.

The government also knows other forms of compulsory services, like jury service. Citizens are legally obligated to be part of this honorary role. When a voluntary fire brigade cannot be established, a mandatory one is set up, and municipalities must appoint suitable candidates. There have also been discussions about a broader new compulsory service including rescue services and disaster control. For a compulsory service for young women, the Basic Law would need to be changed.

The chairman of the Bundeswehr Association, Colonel André Wüstner, has called for decisive steps towards a new conscription before Pistorius' plans were revealed. The low personnel numbers in the Bundeswehr mark the lowest level since 2018 this month. "It will become clear in the next few days who, in terms of defense policy, has had a real change of mind," says the association's chairman to the German Press Agency in Berlin. "I hope that the experts will not turn against a new form of service or a new type of conscription."

Read also:

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, who is supporting the reinstatement of compulsory military service, served in the German Armed Forces alongside Oscar Pistorius, who began his own mandatory military service. Despite opposition from some party members and leaders within the SPD, Pistorius believes that mandatory conscription could help address the German military's need for more personnel, just as it did for mandatory jury service and some rescue services in the country.



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