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Pistorius attends military exercises RIMPAC

Show flag in the Indopacific

First stop on Defense Minister Pistorius's multi-day trip was the U.S. state of Hawaii
First stop on Defense Minister Pistorius's multi-day trip was the U.S. state of Hawaii

Pistorius attends military exercises RIMPAC

This year, the German Armed Forces are more involved in the military exercise RIMPAC in the waters around Hawaii than ever before. Defence Minister Pistorius is on site to observe the exercises and plans to meet partners in the region. Germany wants to demonstrate its commitment.

Germany is strengthening its participation in military training in the Indo-Pacific. Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has begun a multi-day trip to visit exercises with German participation and meet political partners in the region that is important for security and economic reasons. His first stop was the U.S. state of Hawaii. The military exercise RIMPAC is taking place in the waters around the island chain and on land, with the German Armed Forces more involved than in previous years; 450 men and women of the German Navy are participating.

RIMPAC takes place every two years under U.S. leadership. This year, 29 nations, including France and the UK, and around 40 ships, as well as aircraft and helicopters, are participating. The Air Force is also providing combat jets and transport aircraft for a series of military exercises in the Indo-Pacific region.

The measures follow the political guidelines of the federal government for the region and aim to support political partners who share our values. Smaller nations in the region feel threatened by the dominant power of China. In previous years, mainly liaison officers in the staff or mine clearance divers from the naval battalion in Eckernförde were deployed, said Rear Admiral Axel Schulz. "This year, however, we are visibly represented for the first time with a naval unit consisting of the frigate Baden-Württemberg and the supply ship Frankfurt am Main with an embarked helicopter contingent," said Schulz, who leads the German naval unit.

Demonstrating freedom of sea and trade routes

"It's about showing the flag and demonstrating on site that Germany is on the side of its international partners and friends, especially our greatest and most important ally, the USA, in support of freedom of navigation and adherence to international law in the region," said Schulz. The mission is multifaceted. As an instrument of defence diplomacy, the presence is to demonstrate Germany's commitment to a rules-based international order and freedom of sea and trade routes to friends in the region. At the same time, the exercises are increasing our own operational capability, said Schulz. "Above all, however, we are showing that we have not forgotten our friends in the Pacific despite the tense situation in Europe."

In 2020, the federal cabinet adopted guidelines for German policy in the Indo-Pacific region. "The region is becoming the key to shaping international order in the 21st century," it says. The paper highlights the central importance of the region for global and German economic interests and describes the dangers.

Germany's ships to cross the Taiwan Strait? - China warns

"In addition to increasing geopolitical tensions and openly contested power rivalries, there are numerous disputed border claims, smouldering internal and cross-border conflicts with significant refugee movements, as well as networks of regional and international terrorism that could negatively impact global stability and our interests in the region," it says. Cooperation with partner countries that share our values is to be expanded. With interest, the further course of the German ships is also awaited, whether they will sail through the Taiwan Strait - that is, the sea area between Taiwan and China. From August 2021 to February 2022, the frigate "Bayern" was on a similar mission but did not cross the Taiwan Strait.

In May, Pistorius stated that a timely decision would be made as to whether the Taiwan Strait would be crossed this time. "Given the fact that there are some associations of allies and partners that are passing through, it is naturally an option," Pistorius said. China warned against crossing the Taiwan Strait. China has always respected the right to freedom of navigation, but firmly opposes any country provoking and threatening China's sovereignty and security in the name of freedom of navigation, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian in Beijing. It is hoped that countries outside the Asia-Pacific region will not cause trouble for the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it: The decision to cross the Taiwan Strait by German ships is a sensitive issue, potentially leading to diplomatic tensions with China. However, Defense Minister Pistorius hasn't made a definitive statement yet, and we'll have to await his decision.

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