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Pistorius arrives unexpectedly in Kiev

Talks planned with Selenskyj

Also on the night train back then: Pistorius on his first trip to Ukraine in
Also on the night train back then: Pistorius on his first trip to Ukraine in

Pistorius arrives unexpectedly in Kiev

US Defense Secretary Austin has just finished his visit to Ukraine when his German counterpart travels to Kiev: Boris Pistorius wants to discuss the training of Ukrainian soldiers and further military aid, among other things.

Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius has arrived in Ukraine for an unannounced visit. The SPD politician arrived in the capital Kiev by train in the early morning. Talks with his Ukrainian colleague Rustem Umerov and President Volodymyr Zelenskyi are planned for later in the day.

According to the ministry, the minister's visit is intended to reaffirm Germany's support for Ukraine. The main topics of the trip are the training of Ukrainian soldiers and military aid. In addition to political talks, a wreath-laying ceremony at Maidan Square, where the pro-European protests began ten years ago, and a visit to a Ukrainian military training facility are also planned.

The defense minister's visit takes place against the backdrop of a recent increase in Russian airstrikes in Ukraine. Kiev expects massive attacks on its energy supply infrastructure in the coming months, as was the case last winter. At the end of October, Germany delivered a third Iris T-SLM air defense system. Another is to follow as part of the German "winter package" for Ukraine.

This is Pistorius' second visit to Kiev since taking office as Minister of Defense. He was last in Kiev in February. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin also arrived in Kiev on Monday for his second visit since the start of the war.


