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Pistorius appeals to Nato: more help needed for Ukraine

Germany has budgeted less money for military aid to Ukraine in 2025 and funds are already scarce. The Minister of Defense demands: Everyone has a duty.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius at the NATO summit
Defense Minister Boris Pistorius at the NATO summit

Military aid - Pistorius appeals to Nato: more help needed for Ukraine

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) called on NATO partners to provide stronger military support to Ukraine. According to the budget plans, there is "no gap in that sense" in German funding, but there is a smaller amount than this year, the SPD politician said on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington. It is our common task to help Ukraine with what it needs, but also with what we can afford.

Pistorius said: "But this is also to be understood as a plea to all other partners in Europe to do more to help Ukraine get through this year and the next."

According to "Spiegel" reports, around seven billion euros were earmarked in the current federal budget for Ukraine's support, most of which had been used or contractually bound. Only about 200,000 euros were left for new deliveries in the second half of 2024. Pistorius informed Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) informally that the pot for Ukraine weapons aid needed to be increased by another four billion euros for the second half of 2024. The deliveries will not come from the defense budget, but mainly from the so-called Individual Program 60.

Pistorius: NATO must be more deterrent

Pistorius emphasized on the sidelines of the meeting that the alliance must significantly strengthen its deterrent capabilities. Modern commands and leadership structures are necessary. A more effective defense industry and sustainable support for Ukraine are required.

"Overall, we Europeans must take on more responsibility and assume it increasingly in the sense of a fair transatlantic burden sharing, which the Americans and our American friends rightly value," he said.

The headquarters for the planned NATO deployment to coordinate weapons deliveries and training activities for Ukrainian forces (NSATU) will be located in Wiesbaden. Pistorius said that Germany would provide a two-star general as deputy commander and up to 40 employees - soldiers and civilians.

  1. Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister and SPD politician, urged NATO partners to provide stronger military support to Ukraine during the NATO summit in Washington.
  2. At the summit, Pistorius emphasized the need for NATO to substantially enhance its deterrent capabilities, advocating for modern commands, leadership structures, and a more effective defense industry.
  3. He also stressed the importance of sustainable support for Ukraine and a fair share of the transatlantic burden, as Europeans should take on more responsibility in this area.
  4. In terms of financial aid, Pistorius called for an increase of four billion euros in the pot for Ukraine weapons aid for the second half of 2024, as the current budget only leaves about 200,000 euros for new deliveries.
  5. Additionally, Pistorius announced that Germany would provide a two-star general as deputy commander and up to 40 employees - both soldiers and civilians - for the planned NATO deployment to coordinate weapons deliveries and training activities for Ukrainian forces.
  6. As a NATO partner, Germany plays a crucial role in the alliance's efforts to assist Ukraine in navigating conflicts and strengthening its defense capabilities.

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