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Philipp Türmer is the new head of the Young Socialists

Philipp Türmer leads the Jusos: the 27-year-old wins with 54% of the vote. Chancellor Scholz and Interior Minister Faeser have to put up with harsh words from the 27-year-old.

"Finally make the fight against poverty and for distributive justice a top priority":
"Finally make the fight against poverty and for distributive justice a top priority": Philipp Tü

Philipp Türmer is the new head of the Young Socialists

Philipp Türmer is the new head of the Jusos. The 27-year-old was elected with 54% of the vote at the Juso national congress in Braunschweig. He prevailed against 31-year-old Sarah Mohamed from North Rhine-Westphalia. The Offenbach-based Türmer is considered loud, critical and left-wing.

In his candidacy speech, Türmer did not shy away from criticizing Olaf Scholz (SPD). The failure in social and distribution policy is fatal and is driving the AfD from election success to election success. "Finally make the fight against poverty and for distributive justice a top priority," he urged the Chancellor. "Otherwise you won't even need to come here next year if you want our campaign support to hang up posters again."

Scholz, who had held out the prospect of deportations "on a grand scale" in Der Spiegel, and Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), who had also used harsh words on asylum and migration policy during the state election campaign in Hesse, had to take a hit. "The right-wingers will never vote for you, no matter how many of their positions you adopt."

  1. Following his election as the new head of the Jusos, Philipp Türmer criticized Chancellor Olaf Scholz and SPD's approach to social and distribution policy, urging them to prioritize fighting poverty and promoting distributive justice.
  2. During his candidacy speech, Türmer also criticized Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and her stance on asylum and migration policy, stating that the right-wing voters would never support the SPD, no matter their adoption of their positions.
  3. The SPD, with Chancellor Scholz and Minister Faeser at the helm, faced criticism from the Jusos and its new leader, Philipp Türmer, who highlighted the party's failure in social and distribution policy, which he believes is driving the success of the right-wing AfD.


