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Peskow warns Armenia about Ukrainian path

Russia was once the protector of Armenia in the Caucasus. but the former ward now wants to sever ties with Moscow. There was a clear warning from the Kreml.

Despite handshake: The relations between Putin and Armenia's Prime Minister Pashinyan are...
Despite handshake: The relations between Putin and Armenia's Prime Minister Pashinyan are considered tense.(Archive picture)

Threat from Russia - Peskow warns Armenia about Ukrainian path

Russia warned Republic of Armenia in the South Caucasus against turning towards the West. Erevan can certainly decide on its own political priorities. But Moscow does not want Armenia to follow a path once taken by Ukraine, said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

As a reaction to the overthrow of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in Kiev in 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and let pro-Russian forces seize parts of Donbass. More than two years ago, Russia then started a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. The war is still ongoing.

Russia was long considered the protector of Armenia in the Caucasus. However, relations have cooled down lately. Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is orienting his country towards the West. Russia has watched silently as Azerbaijani troops captured the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict region between Erevan and Baku.

Peskov emphasized that Russia still sees Armenia as "brotherly and allied land." Russia intends to continue cooperation with the country. Moscow maintains a military base in Armenia.

  1. In light of Ukraine's shift towards the West following the ousting of President Yanukovych, Russia warned against a similar move by Armenia in the South Caucasus.
  2. The South Caucasus has seen its fair share of conflicts, with Russia traditionally playing a significant role in Armenia's security, particularly during times of conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.
  3. Russia's Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, expressed concern about Armenia's potential alignment with the West, likening it to Ukraine's decision which resulted in war.
  4. Despite the cooling of relations, Russia continues to view Armenia as a "brotherly and allied land" and plans to maintain its military presence and cooperative ties.
  5. The threats against Armenia's decision to tilt towards the West have persisted even as Russia faces international condemnation and sanctions for its involvement in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
  6. The South Caucasus remains a region of geopolitical importance, with critical conflicts between neighboring nations and regional powers like Russia, potentially impacting regional stability and provoking fresh threats.

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