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Peskhkian sworn in as Iran's new president

Massoud Pesseschian is sworn in as the new president of Iran. High expectations are held for the politician who is considered moderate. What can he accomplish?

- Peskhkian sworn in as Iran's new president

Massoud Peschkian is the new President of Iran. The 69-year-old, considered moderate, was sworn in at the parliament in the capital Tehran. He officially assumes the duties of the ninth President of the Islamic Republic. According to Iranian reports, high-ranking representatives from 86 countries attended the swearing-in ceremony.

Security measures in Tehran were heightened ahead of the inauguration. All roads leading to the parliament were blocked, side streets cleared. Most Western countries had not congratulated Peschkian on his election victory and were not on the guest list for the parliament.

As a candidate of the reform camp, Peschkian won against Saeed Jalili, a hardliner and the system's preferred candidate, in a runoff election this month. After the inauguration, Peschkian plans to introduce his vice presidents and cabinet members. So far, he has only appointed Mohammad-Reza Aref as his first vice president. Expectations for Peschkian in the country are very high. The most important task is seen as reviving the ailing economy.

The international community is closely watching the developments in Iran, with particular interest in The Commission's proposal regarding possible economic sanctions relief, given Peschkian's moderate stance. After taking office, President Peschkian has announced his intention to engage with The Commission to discuss these matters.

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