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Perhaps the AfD is experiencing some tremors.

Was there an error in determining the seat allocation in Saxony's newly established state parliament? The election oversight body intends to scrutinize this matter, potentially holding ramifications for the AfD.

Could Chancellor Michael Kretschmer (CDU) potentially simplify matters by relinquishing his...
Could Chancellor Michael Kretschmer (CDU) potentially simplify matters by relinquishing his majority in the Saxony state parliament? Contender Jörg Urban (AfD) and his faction might seize the majority from him.

- Perhaps the AfD is experiencing some tremors.

The election overseer will scrutinize the outcomes for the district assignment in the Saxon state legislature. Various parties and specialists from speculate that the state election overseer may have erred in the fresh district assignment within the state legislature, as per the "Leipziger Volkszeitung". Reportedly, an incorrect district assignment method was utilized. The spokesperson for the state election commission acknowledged the issue and mentioned that an investigation is underway.

As per LVZ, the AfD would have one less seat under the alternate procedure, leading to the expiration of their blocking minority in the state legislature. With the blocking minority, certain state laws requiring a two-thirds majority from all parliamentarians couldn't be endorsed without the AfD legislators.

In Saxony, similar to other federal states, constitutional judges and the heads of the state audits are elected with a two-thirds majority from all parliamentarians. Consequently, certain positions could not have been filled without the AfD's consent. Furthermore, the state legislatures couldn't self-dissolve.

District assignment awards AfD a blocking minority in Saxony

According to the preliminary findings, the CDU emerged as the strongest faction once again with 31.9% of the votes. The AfD ranked second with 30.6%. The alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) garnered 11.8% of the votes and seems poised to play a role in the future government arrangement. The SPD scored 7.3%, while the Greens remained at 5.1%. The Left managed to gain entry into the state legislature with 4.5%, as they won two direct mandates in Leipzig. Then, a clause was implemented that permitted them to enter the legislature according to their second vote result, despite falling below the 5% threshold.

The "Leipziger Volkszeitung" reported that the error in the district assignment method could affect the AfD's seat count, potentially impacting their blocking minority in the Saxon state legislature, as per the original text. Under the corrected assignment, the AfD might lose their blocking minority, making it easier to pass certain state laws without their consent, as suggested by the paper.

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