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Perfect Murder": Life Sentence for Death by Accident during Escape

A trio bombs a cash machine. During the getaway from the police, there is an accident causing a fatality. For this, a robber will spend the rest of his life in prison. But it's not the last word.

The death of an innocent bystander after a robbery was murder, ruled the Regional Court.
The death of an innocent bystander after a robbery was murder, ruled the Regional Court.

Judgments - Perfect Murder": Life Sentence for Death by Accident during Escape

Roofers, Intention to Obstruct, Dangerous Means: A robber, who caused the death of an innocent 45-year-old man during a reckless getaway from the Police, will spend the rest of his life in prison. The Landgericht Karlsruhe convicted the 30-year-old for Murder. However, the final word has not been spoken: The defense intends to appeal to the Bundesgerichtshof.

Before the Court stood three Men from the Netherlands. They had obtained 41,000 Euro in cash from an ATM explosion in Wiernsheim near Pforzheim in the previous November. During their high-speed escape in the early morning hours of November 11th, the 30-year-old drove the getaway car on the Autobahn 6 as a "Ghost Driver."

Fateful Crash

At a rest stop near Sinsheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis), the fugitives were stopped by the police. The younger suspects, aged 21 and 22, were apprehended on foot. The 30-year-old gave gas and drove back into the countryside in the wrong direction on the Autobahn, where he collided with a truck after a few kilometers. The truck driver likely tried to avoid the collision. Since both vehicles swerved onto the shoulder, a tragic collision occurred.

Death as a Consequence

The 45-year-old passenger in the truck was so severely injured that he died a few days later. The truck driver sustained severe injuries. The 30-year-old had knowingly put other road users at risk of harm, stated the Presiding Judge Fernando Sanchez-Hermosilla. "The death was a direct consequence of the accident and the defendant's behavior," the judge added.

The driver of the getaway car was therefore sentenced not only for the ATM explosion and the robbery but also for Attempted and Committed Murder. The two other men were sentenced to five and a half years and five years in prison, respectively.

Silence on Possible Accomplices

The judge commended the defendants for their high criminal energy. They had only admitted to what had been proven against them through evidence and witnesses. However, they had not made any statements regarding accomplices, an organization, or accomplices, which the judge believed "undoubtedly existed." The court did not follow the organized crime accusation of the prosecution. Despite the professional conduct and a very detailed division of labor, an organized crime offense could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Therefore, the principle "In doubt, for the defendant" applies.

However, the court did follow the Murder charge of the prosecution. The defense attorneys of the 30-year-old had pleaded for Manslaughter. The younger men were still above the sentence demanded by the prosecution, which was four years and ten months in prison for the first suspect and four years and eight months for the second suspect. The defense attorneys had pleaded for three years in prison for each suspect.

Significant Damage

The suspects have been in investigative detention since November. They all hold Dutch citizenship. In the getaway car, the police found cash from the ATM in Wiernsheim, as well as explosives. The damage to the building amounted to approximately 250,000 Euro. In Germany, there are often ATM explosions - and the traces often lead to the Netherlands.

  1. The case was heard at the High Court Karlsruhe in Germany, specifically the Process (Court) of the Landgericht Karlsruhe.
  2. The judgments in this case could potentially have implications for similar cases in Baden-Württemberg and beyond.
  3. The 30-year-old, who played the role of the 'Ghost driver', was found guilty of lifelong imprisonment for his involvement in the accident.
  4. The fatal crash occurred near Wiersheim, a town located in the Rhin-Neckar-District of Baden-Württemberg.
  5. The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe will be the next stop for the defense's appeal against the Landgericht Karlsruhe's ruling.
  6. The 45-year-old victim's privacy was violated during the course of events, adding a new layer of complexity to the case.
  7. The truck driver, who survived the collision, was also subjected to severe injuries as a result of the accused's actions.
  8. The proceedings against the three men from the Netherlands highlight the existence of criminality and ghost drivers involved in road fatality cases in Germany.
  9. In Pforzheim, another city in Baden-Württemberg, there have been multiple incidents of ATM explosions, with traces leading back to the Netherlands.
  10. The sentencing also included penalties for the ATM explosion, the robbery, and attempted/committed murder, highlighting the multitude of charges in this case.
  11. The sentencing will serve as a deterrent against such acts of criminality and reckless behavior, emphasizing the importance of upholding road safety and respecting privacy in Germany.

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