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People's Tribune Trump crowned - and shows new side

Insults on Immigrants

The party is already a family business: The Trump clan with its leader on stage in Milwaukee.
The party is already a family business: The Trump clan with its leader on stage in Milwaukee.

People's Tribune Trump crowned - and shows new side

At his first speech since the attack, a reconciliatory side of Donald Trump shines through. He explicitly announces how he would begin a second term as US President. He insults immigrants. He mentions rival Joe Biden unexpectedly.

As the balloons finally drop from the ceiling of the Republican Party convention to the delegates, guests, and journalists, they experienced a zigzag speech from Donald Trump. Emotional and pious at the beginning, with promises and the announcement of his first plans after a November election win, with wild accusations against immigrants and unusual calls for reconciliation. "I am running for the office of President for all of America, not for half of America, because it is not a win if you win for half of America," Trump says at one point. The hall cheers him on.

Who would have thought it, as Trump was laughed at by the political establishment and the world eight years ago. Starting as an outsider, he faced skeptical delegates at the party convention. His election win shocked the entire political sphere. After his electoral loss in 2020, he staged himself as a victim of alleged electoral fraud, and defined loyalty to him also over this issue. He became the party patriarch in the background, whose support had to be paid for with unconditional loyalty. And now, in 2024, Trump has received the Republican nomination for the third time. If he makes it to the White House, he would have shaped the party for a second term for twelve years.

But he no longer insults a "radical left". He doesn't fire off insults or derogatory nicknames for his opponents in the multi-purpose hall in Milwaukee. Instead, this: "The discord and division in our society must be overcome. And quickly." Or: "I am here tonight to present a vision for the entire nation. To every citizen, young or old, man or woman, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, black or white, Asian or Hispanic American, I extend a hand of loyalty and friendship." Not a trace of culture war rhetoric. The 78-year-old feels comfortable, scattering anecdotes here and there.

But Trump also spreads half-truths and lies about the economy, security situation, and southern border, turning "millions of immigrants" of the "invasion" into killers, lunatics, and terrorists who sent other countries' criminals to the USA. "We have become a dumping ground of the world and they laugh at us. They think we are dumb." Elsewhere, crime statistics would therefore decrease. The opioid crisis caused by Fentanyl is also put in this context by Trump. He promises the "greatest deportation action in the history of the United States" - and the attendees thank him with standing ovations.

Trump on Top

Here in the hall of the Fiserv Forum, he has basked in the unquestioning adoration every day: from the catacombs out, a few meters up to the small balcony, where he waves from side to side and down into the arena. From the white seats of the so-called family boxes, the Trump clan and selected politicians watched the peak on this Thursday: The People's Tribune crowns himself, as he accepts the official nomination on Monday as well.

End of May, it looked significantly darker for the Presidential candidate. In the hush money trial in Manhattan, the jury had just found him guilty, and his poll numbers dropped as a result. But then came the weeks of success. The Supreme Court declared him and other presidents partially immune to prosecution. All charges against him are now wavering; those regarding the classified documents, attempted election fraud, and not least the January 6, 2021, insurrection. In the TV debate against him, President Joe Biden of the US demoted himself and plunged the Democrats into chaos. And two days before the nomination party in Milwaukee, he survived an assassination attempt lightly wounded.

The Republicans have already incorporated these turns and events into their history. Anyone who doesn't believe in a miracle or divine intervention sees at least a sign of strength in these twists. And Trump, who is spreading among delegates in Milwaukee, is now portrayed as "another man," a reconciler who can bring not only the Republicans but the entire USA back together after years of polarization. But the fact that Trump himself drove the polarization to new heights with his rhetoric is not mentioned. Instead, the finger is pointed at the Democrats.

Concrete Plans for the White House

Trump clarified his speech the day after the assassination attempt to a journalist, making it significantly less confrontational. However, he was still someone who knew only supporters or enemies that evening. Unity, yes, but under him, as the tone went. "There will never be another election loss like in 2020," Trump says. He leaves it open what exactly he means. His first term he calls a golden age, in which everything went excellently. Under the current Democratic government, everything is disastrous. He mentions President Joe Biden only once, but without it appearing in the teleprompter. "The damage he has caused is unimaginable," Trump says about Biden.

Trump makes it clear on this evening how he intends to act in case of a re-election. From "Day One," he will focus on oil and gas "drilling, baby, drilling," which causes some in the audience to jump out of their seats. He will immediately close the border and abolish emission standards for the auto industry. With the March-introduced regulation, the Biden administration is pushing the auto industry towards electromobility; approximately 60 percent of new cars should be electric by 2028. Trump also announces something else: an "Iron Dome," a missile defense system like Israel's.

He will end the Ukraine war, as well as all other international crises, in a coup. With North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un, he gets along well. "I think he misses me," Trump says with a smile. He promises the USA further measures to combat the "affordability crisis." Tariffs on imports, a domestic production requirement for foreign companies, and cheap domestic energy to pressure production costs for consumer goods. Whether this works is by no means certain. Lastly, 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists warned in an open letter against Trump's plans: They would fuel inflation, not curb it.

In a CBS survey, 54 percent of US voters said that Trump has called for more unity following the attack. In contrast, 46 percent believe he has further divided the country. The latest polls now show a clear advantage for Trump, with a lead of 4.3 percent over Biden, and in all crucial "Battleground" states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Trump's vice candidate J.D. Vance is supposed to convince undecided voters there, especially the workers. If he is successful, Trump will not only be an Ex-President but also the next one.

During the rally at the Republican Party convention, Donald Trump speaks of unity and extends a hand of friendship to all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. He also criticizes the current economic situation and immigration, painting immigrants as a threat to the country.

As the 2024 United States Presidency Election approaches, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are mentioned frequently in political discourse. Trump, now running as a Republican candidate, highlights his plans for a second term, including focusing on oil and gas, closing the border, and implementing an Iron Dome missile defense system.

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