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Penalties for Würzburg Drug Gang

A lengthy process, six defendants, countless actions: The Würzburg Regional Court has rendered its judgments after months of trial.

The Würzburg District Court convicted members of a drug gang to prison sentences.
The Würzburg District Court convicted members of a drug gang to prison sentences.

Criminality - Penalties for Würzburg Drug Gang

The Regional Court Würzburg sentenced the alleged members of a drug gang to prison terms. For the alleged ringleader, a sentence of eight years and nine months was imposed. One defendant received a sentence of four years and nine months, another five years. Two alleged accomplices were sentenced to four and a half years and three years and three months in prison. The sixth suspect in the group received a sentence of two years and nine months. The judgments were handed down due to drug dealing, grievous bodily harm, particularly serious sexual assault, and particularly serious extortion. The decisions are not yet legally binding.

In the approximately four-month-long trial, it was about drug deals in Würzburg and brutal assaults on supposed debtors. The defendants, aged between 20 and 25, partly admitted the charges.

"What we have seen here in terms of atrocities cannot be described as effectively in words as it was to see in the videos," said the presiding judge Michael Schaller. He referred to the convicted persons as "brutal violent criminals with high criminal energy."

Drug addicts and small dealers intimidated

The prosecution had demanded total prison sentences of nine years and ten months for two defendants and four years and ten months for another. For the other four defendants, the prosecution demanded youth sentences between six and a half and nearly four years.

The defendants' lawyers considered youth sentences of between seven years and nine months and a maximum of two years to be appropriate, some of which were to be suspended.

According to the indictment, the defendants allegedly intimidated supposed drug addicts and small dealers with knives and sticks and beat and burned cigarettes on them to force them to pay alleged debts. The acts are said to have occurred between 2019 and 2022, several people were injured.

  1. The drug gang operational in Würzberg, under the jurisdiction of Bavaria, faced severe consequences in the District Court.
  2. One of the key judgments involved a fine for the ringleader, alongside jail time of eight years and nine months.
  3. The criminality of the drug gang was evident in their involvement in drug dealing, rape, and causing significant bodily harm to their victims.
  4. The penalty for their freedom extended beyond imprisonment, as the court also considered the severe impact their actions had on their victims under Franconia.
  5. In the Würzburg District Court, these drug gang members were judged for their involvement in a series of violent acts against drug addicts and small dealers.
  6. The District Court of Würzburg, in process of sentencing, followed up on the rape cases and acts of intimidation, involving the use of weapons, committed by this drug gang.

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