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Pegel: Right-wing extremism the greatest threat to democracy

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is constantly targeting the enemies of democracy. In its latest report, the authority once again comes to the conclusion that the greatest threat comes from right-wing extremism.

Minister Pegel continues to see right-wing extremism as the greatest threat to democracy.
Minister Pegel continues to see right-wing extremism as the greatest threat to democracy.

Constitutional protection report - Pegel: Right-wing extremism the greatest threat to democracy

Right-wing extremism continues to pose the greatest threat to the democratic order in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, according to Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD). A total of 1,855 people were identified as being part of the right-wing extremist scene in the state, which is approximately 200 more than in 2019. About 730 of these individuals were classified as violent.

According to the Minister, the proportion of right-wing extremists among the democratic opposition in the northeast is more than double the national average, measured against the total population. The report, which is approximately 160 pages long, assesses threats from the left-wing extremism relatively less, with 430 individuals identified, and from Islamism with about 180 activists in MV.

Right-wing ideologies consolidated

"Right-wing extremism is unfortunately well-established throughout the country. We recognize in various organizations that we have the second or even third generation, sometimes from families that have firmly established themselves there," Pegel said in Schwerin at the presentation of the Constitutional Protection Report for 2023.

Only about 350 right-wing extremists were members of such parties, but these structures remain an important connecting element. "They function as a logistical hub and often organize protests," Pegel noted.

The general protest scene was also used by right-wing extremists in 2023 to spread hateful democratic and human degrading theses and to try to reach a broader societal base. There are overlapping issues with the Reichsbürger and Self-Government scene, which is approximately 690 people strong nationwide. "The scenes find their smallest common denominator in their deeply entrenched hostile attitude towards the state and democracy," Pegel explained.

As the head of the Constitutional Protection, Thomas Krense, noted, the right-wing scene is trying to further distance itself from its image as a Baseball Bat Gang and to weaken its influence through civic movements. Young people are specifically targeted through social media.

Neither the AfD nor its youth organization, Young Alternative, appear in the report, which in some federal states is considered reliably right-wing extremist. The Federal Constitutional Protection Agency lists the AfD as a suspect. According to Pegel, the legal regulations in MV exclude the listing of suspects in the Constitutional Protection Report of the state. However, gained insights are passed on to the federal authorities.

Left-wing extremism on the decline

The potential for extremist activity in the area of left-wing extremism in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has hardly changed since last year and was reportedly around 430. Half of these people were classified as violent. Focal points of activity are in the larger cities.

For many young people and young adults, political participation within the legal climate protest movement has become more attractive "than the classic themes of left-wing extremists," as Pegel noted.

Relatively low threat from Islamism

Constitutional protectors in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern estimate that around 180 people are associated with Islamism and Islamic terrorism. Nationwide, this number is estimated to be around 27,000. Fixed structures are not discernible in the northeast, rather it is mostly about individual persons who belong to the so-called Salafists. The central goal of the security authorities remains to identify and thwart attack plans at an early stage, said Pegel.

New threat through attacks in the Internet

Cyberattacks on authorities, espionage, and targeted disinformation campaigns have significantly increased, according to the minister, especially with the beginning of the Russian offensive war against Ukraine. Therefore, the Federal Republic of Germany is drawing increased attention from foreign intelligence services – above all from Russia, China, Iran, and Turkey.

However, actors within also deliberately use disinformation to bring extremist positions closer to especially young people and mobilize new supporters, Pegel stated.

  1. In his address at the presentation of the Constitutional Protection Report in Schwerin, Minister Christian Pegel highlighted that right-wing extremism remains the greatest threat to democracy in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
  2. According to the report, the number of identified right-wing extremists in the state has increased by approximately 200 since 2019, with about 730 classified as violent.
  3. Pegel noted that the proportion of right-wing extremists among the democratic opposition in the northeast is more than double the national average, making it a significant concern for constitutional protection.
  4. The SPD politician emphasized that right-wing ideologies have consolidated in various organizations, with some families passing on their extremist beliefs for several generations.
  5. The general protest scene also serves as a platform for right-wing extremists to spread hateful and divisive ideas, targeting a broader societal base and sometimes collaborating with extremist groups like the Reichsbürger and Self-Government scene.
  6. Despite not being mentioned in the report, the AfD and its youth organization, Young Alternative, are still viewed with suspicion by federal authorities, with the Federal Constitutional Protection Agency listing the AfD as a potential threat.
  7. The report also indicates a relatively low threat from Islamism in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, with around 180 people associated with Islamist and terrorist activities, but no discernible fixed structures present in the northeast.

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