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Pedestrian probably killed in Turkish motorcade in Berlin

Driver fled at first

Pedestrian probably killed in Turkish motorcade in Berlin
Pedestrian probably killed in Turkish motorcade in Berlin

Pedestrian probably killed in Turkish motorcade in Berlin

Nationwide, trailer drivers of the Turkish team celebrate their entry into the quarterfinals at the EM. In Berlin, a drama unfolds. In Neukölln, a 67-year-old man is hit by a car. He dies at the scene of the accident.

After the death of a pedestrian in Berlin-Neukölln, the police are investigating whether the accident is related to the football celebrations over the 2:1 victory of the Turkish national team against the Czech Republic. This cannot be ruled out according to previous findings, said a police spokeswoman. The 67-year-old died in the early hours of Thursday, after being hit by a car.

According to the police, the pedestrian wanted to cross Hermannstraße towards Biebricher Straße around 11:10 pm. He was hit by the car. He died at the scene. The driver fled from the car and ran away.

However, around 12:30 am, a 26-year-old man turned himself in at the police station and claimed to be the driver, according to the authorities. He was first taken into police custody to record his personal data. He was later released. A traffic investigation team is now investigating the background, it was reported.

According to a report in the "B.Z.", the driver was reportedly driving too fast. Witnesses reportedly saw Turkey flags being waved in the car. Before the accident, the car was reportedly seen driving erratically and quickly several times on the road. The driver is said to have "posted" with the car. According to the "Berliner Zeitung", there was a large car procession on Hermannstraße after the success of the Turkish national team in the EM.

In the capital, many Turkish fans celebrated the entry of their national team into the quarterfinals on Wednesday evening. On the Kurfürstendamm in Charlottenburg, there was the traditional car procession. The police spoke of around 300 participants. The fans had Turkish flags and, according to observers, pyrotechnics were set off. Bottles were also thrown at emergency services personnel. A police officer was lightly injured.

The European Football Championship 2024 is set to take place in Berlin, attracting both local and international football enthusiasts. Sadly, the celebration of Turkey's 2:1 victory against the Czech Republic in the championship resulted in a tragic incident, as a traffic accident claimed the life of a 67-year-old man in Neukölln.

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