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Pedestrian finds heavily injured man in Landau

A heavily injured man was found in Landau. The 28-year-old has injuries all over his body. What happened?

The police have been alerted in Landau due to a case of grievous bodily harm.
The police have been alerted in Landau due to a case of grievous bodily harm.

Body harm - Pedestrian finds heavily injured man in Landau

A heavily injured man gave the police in Landau a puzzle. A passerby had found the 28-year-old man with injuries to his face and body on a late Friday evening in the city and called the police, as they reported. The investigators assume that the man was injured by unknown persons from the Landkreis Germersheim. However, details were initially completely unclear.

The man was taken to a hospital, but he could not remember what had happened. Due to his health condition, he could not be questioned extensively. The police are relying on witnesses in their investigation for bodily harm.

The incident of bodily harm occurred in the city of Landau, located in Rhineland-Palatinate. Despite the man's inability to provide details due to his injuries, the police are hoping to gather information from potential witnesses in the Landau area.

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