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Party attendees shout "Expel foreigners" at Junge Union gathering.

Authorities have been probing numerous aspects for quite some time.

Will there be consequences for the JU? That will be decided at the end of the proceedings.
Will there be consequences for the JU? That will be decided at the end of the proceedings.

Party attendees shout "Expel foreigners" at Junge Union gathering.

Following the controversial Sylt video, more hate-filled occurrences are surfacing. Now, another incident is being reported: During a festive gathering of the Young Union in Mönchengladbach last Christmas, several individuals are claimed to have shouted offensive slurs. The CDU was already aware of this, but has yet to issue a public statement.

As per the "Rheinische Post," at the Mönchengladbach Christmas party in December of 2023, the song "L'amour toujours" was sung with the racist chants "Germany for Germans, Foreigners out." The Mönchengladbach Public Prosecutor's Office confirmed a similar report from the "Rheinische Post." An investigation is underway due to the primary suspicion of inciting hate speech against "multiple suspects."

The spokesperson didn't specify the exact number of suspects but mentioned a "few." The investigations have been ongoing for some time. The spokesperson didn't offer any details about the suspects, like their gender or party affiliation. The police file has now been forwarded to the public prosecutor. The spokesperson emphasized that the investigations are still ongoing. The public prosecutor will now evaluate the matter "from factual and legal perspectives."

According to the "Rheinische Post," the Mönchengladbach CDU chairman, Jochen Klenner, disclosed this news to the district council today. "Upon receiving tips from the party guests, the CDU district association acted swiftly and contacted the authorities," the CDU Mönchengladbach statement read. "In coordination with the State Protection, the CDU chose to hold back on making public statements to avoid influencing the investigation."The district association will only make decisions or announcements concerning potential internal party repercussions after the entire procedure is complete.

A video had recently sparked uproar across the nation. It depicted a group of youngsters at a Sylt party hurling racist slogans, "Foreigners out" and "Germany for Germans," to the beat of Gigi D'Agostino's song. Meanwhile, numerous other incidents have been uncovered.

Read also:

The incident at the Young Union's Christmas party in Mönchengladbach has been linked to right-wing extremism, with individuals allegedly shouting racist slogans during the song "L'amour toujours." Despite the CDU's knowledge of the incident, they have not issued a public statement yet.

The reported incident of hate speech at the Young Union gathering in Mönchengladbach, involving the chanting of "Germany for Germans, Foreigners out," raises concerns about the presence of racism within the CDU's affiliate, the Young Union of Germany.

