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Parliamentary groups request special meeting on supplementary budget

The Constitutional Court has ruled that the Brandenburg aid package is unconstitutional. The measures are no longer to be financed through debt. A timetable is now available.

Special session in summer: the state parliament meets for the supplementary budget (archive image).
Special session in summer: the state parliament meets for the supplementary budget (archive image).

Household - Parliamentary groups request special meeting on supplementary budget

Just before the start of the summer holidays, the Brandenburg state parliament, in accordance with the wishes of the coalition factions, is holding a special session for the planned supplementary budget for the aid package. The SPD, CDU, and Greens factions submitted their application for the first reading on July 17 to Landtag President Ulrike Liedtke. Another special session is expected a week later for the second and final third reading.

The supplementary budget aims to secure the Brandenburg aid package to mitigate the consequences of the energy crisis following the Ukraine War this year. The Constitutional Court of the state had declared the regulation of 2022 unconstitutional. This concerns already approved aid measures worth nearly 850 million Euro.

Funding from surplus instead of credits

The highest constitutional judges demanded a better explanation for the connection between the aid and the declared state of emergency. The AfD state parliamentary faction had appealed to the Constitutional Court. However, the court did not refer to the supplementary budget. The Landtag decided at the end of June to ask the state government for a revised supplementary budget.

The aid measures should no longer be financed through debt but from the state's surplus. This would bypass the need for a state of emergency and a better explanation of the measures. The cabinet approved the supplementary budget at the beginning of July. The Landtag still needs to make a final decision. With the aid measures, families, hospitals, businesses, and municipalities should be relieved.

  1. The special session in Potsdam's Parliament is scheduled to discuss the SPD, CDU, and Greens' supplementary budget application for the aid package, due to the energy crisis from the Ukraine War.
  2. The Constitutional Court of Brandenburg declared the 2022 aid regulation unconstitutional, affecting almost 850 million Euro worth of approved measures.
  3. In response, the Landtag decided to request a revised supplementary budget from the state government, aiming to finance aid measures from the state's surplus instead of credits.
  4. The Constitutional Court did not rule on the supplementary budget, but sought a better explanation for the connection between the aid and the declared state of emergency.
  5. With the passing of the supplementary budget, families, hospitals, businesses, and municipalities in Brandenburg are expected to receive much-needed aid during the summer vacation.
  6. The SPD, CDU, and Greens' coalition parliamentary group is heavily involved in the process of approving the supplementary budget, ensuring the aid package's continuity and effectiveness.
  7. Following the Court's decision, the aid package's constitutionality is crucial in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens in Brandenburg.

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