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Parliament confirms Donald Tusk's new government

Poland's parliament has confirmed Donald Tusk's new pro-European government. In a vote of confidence, 248 out of 449 MPs present voted in favor of the cabinet.

Will be sworn in as head of government on December 13: Donald
Will be sworn in as head of government on December 13: Donald

Poland - Parliament confirms Donald Tusk's new government

Poland's parliament has confirmed Donald Tusk's new government. Of the 449 MPs, 201 voted against the old, new head of government. President Andrzej Duda plans to swear in the new cabinet on Wednesday morning. Just under two months after the parliamentary elections, the transfer of power is now complete.

Poland's election winners had to be patient

The three-party alliance of Tusk's liberal-conservative Civic Coalition, the Christian-conservative Third Way and the left-wing alliance Lewica had won a government majority in the parliamentary elections on October 15. However, the previous national-conservative PiS government had long delayed the transfer of power with the help of Duda.

"It is a great day for all those who have firmly believed over these long years that things would get better, that we would drive out the darkness," Tusk said in parliament on Monday. "Starting tomorrow, we will be able to right all wrongs so that everyone in Poland can feel at home.

Conservative PiS has no chance

Poland's incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki had previously failed in parliament with his new cabinet, as expected. Only 190 of the 456 MPs present voted in favor of Morawiecki's national-conservative PiS government. 266 voted against. The PiS is thus relinquishing power after eight years in government.

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Tusk's new government, which includes the Civic Coalition and the Third Way, was firmly supported by Poland's parliament, as they voted against the old, PiS-led government led by Morawiecki. The confirmation of Tusk's government marked the end of PiS's eight-year rule, as they were unable to garner enough support to form a new cabinet in Warsaw.




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