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Parliament clears the way for pro-European former head of government Donald Tusk

Poland's parliament denies the right-wing nationalist government of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki a majority. This clears the way for a change of government - and Donald Tusk will get his chance.

Still leader of the opposition and soon to be head of government: Donald
Still leader of the opposition and soon to be head of government: Donald

Poland - Parliament clears the way for pro-European former head of government Donald Tusk

After eight years under the national-conservative PiS party in Poland, the way is clear for the pro-European former head of government Donald Tusk: the members of parliament in Warsaw nominated Tusk for the office of prime minister and tasked him with forming a government. They had previously rejected a new national-conservative government under PiS leadership in a vote of confidence.

"... so that everyone can feel at home in Poland"

"It is a great day for all those who have firmly believed over these long years that things would get better, that we would drive out the darkness," Tusk said in parliament. "Starting tomorrow, we will be able to right all wrongs so that everyone in Poland can feel at home."

Tusk is expected to present his government program in parliament on Tuesday and then face a vote of confidence. His cabinet could then be sworn in on Wednesday, allowing him to attend the EU summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday as Poland's new prime minister. Expectations of the future pro-European government are enormous.

Conservative PiS has no chance

Poland's incumbent Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki had previously failed in parliament with his new cabinet, as expected. Only 190 of the 456 MPs present voted in favor of Morawiecki's national-conservative PiS government. 266 voted against. The PiS is thus relinquishing power after eight years in government. The way is now clear for a new pro-European government under the current opposition leader Donald Tusk. On Monday evening, parliament was expected to task the former EU Council President with forming a government.

Read also:

Tusk's nomination as Poland's prime minister marks a significant shift in Poland's political landscape, as the country moves away from the national-conservative PiS party led by Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw. Tusk, a pro-European leader, will now have the opportunity to present his government program and address the concerns of the Polish people, aiming to make Poland a place where everyone can feel at home.


