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Paris knife attacker claims allegiance to IS

Three supporters arrested

Paris knife attacker claims allegiance to IS

On Saturday evening, a young man armed with a knife and a hammer attacks several groups of people in Paris. A German tourist dies from his stab wounds and two other people are taken to hospital. The police now find a video claiming allegiance to IS - and arrest three suspected supporters.

Following the fatal attack on a German in Paris, the police have found a video of the attacker claiming responsibility. In it, the 26-year-old claimed allegiance to the jihadist militia Islamic State. In addition, the perpetrator had also been in contact with other jihadist-motivated attackers, the public prosecutor's office in Paris announced.

As a result of the investigation, the police also arrested three other people. According to media reports, these are people from the Islamist perpetrator's circle. They are said to include the parents of the man, who was born in 1997.

Perpetrator shouts "Allahu Akbar"

The attack took place near the Eiffel Tower on the Seine. There, the young perpetrator, armed with a knife and hammer, first attacked a couple of tourists and is said to have shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great), a phrase used by Islamist terrorists. The female companion of the German tourist who was attacked remained physically unharmed, but the young man succumbed to his stab wounds.

When a cab driver intervened, the young man ran over a bridge to the other bank of the Seine. There he attacked other people and injured a 60-year-old Frenchman and a foreign tourist with a hammer before the police were able to eliminate the perpetrator with an electric taser.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed her shock at the fatal knife attack. "Shocking news from Paris", Baerbock wrote on X. Her thoughts are with friends and the family of the young man who was killed in the suspected Islamist attack. "Almost his whole life still lay ahead of him". Baerbock emphasized: "Hate and terror have no place in Europe."

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After the attack, investigations led to the discovery of a video where the perpetrator proclaimed allegiance to IS, aligning the incident with terrorist attacks motivated by Islamism. Subsequently, three individuals believed to be supporters were arrested.

In the tumultuous events, the attacker was heard shouting "Allahu Akbar," a phrase associated with perpetrators of Islamist terrorist attacks.


