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Palmer's comeback to the Greens would benefit everyone involved.

Özdemir captures Tübingen's mayor.

Özdemir attests to his former party colleague Boris Palmer's "spotless record as mayor".
Özdemir attests to his former party colleague Boris Palmer's "spotless record as mayor".

Palmer's comeback to the Greens would benefit everyone involved.

Following several controversial incidents, Boris Palmer stepped down from the Greens a year back. Bundesminister of Agriculture Özdemir hopes for Palmer's comeback in the Greens with certain requirements met. Palmer expresses gratitude toward Özdemir's "reconciling words."

Tübingen's Mayor Boris Palmer considers a reunion with the Greens. "It would be beneficial for both parties if I could rejoin the Greens as a respected member," the apolitical politician stated. Previously, Green Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir indicated his willingness to welcome Palmer back if specific conditions were met. He emphasized his desire for a way forward. "One should never give up on anyone. That seldom happens," the Green politico mentioned during a Zeit event.

Özdemir stated those conditions as: "Of course, I would be thrilled if he says, 'I'll let myself be assisted and put an end to my late-night Facebook wars with anyone and focus on my job.' He's a great mayor, he should just focus on that and leave the rest behind. Then he'd certainly have a place in the party."

Palmer responded to the dpa query: "I greatly admire Cem Özdemir and appreciate his reconciliatory statement." Palmer has served as Tübingen's mayor since 2007 and often clashed with his political statements. About a year ago, Palmer left the Greens in the aftermath of a scandal over the usage of a derogatory term at a migration conference in Frankfurt. His membership was already questioned due to other contentious utterances. Following a hiatus, Palmer revised the rules regarding comments on his Facebook profile.

Özdemir spoke at the event on Saturday, admitting that he worked tirelessly to retain Palmer within the party and fostered bridges for him. "Unfortunately, he tore down these bridges he had built." The Green politician praised Palmer's "blemish-free mayoral record." Özdemir is presently the most promising candidate for the Green leadership in Southern Germany for the state election in 2026. Baden-Württemberg's Minister President of the Greens, Winfried Kretschmann, has announced he will not run again.

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