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Palestinians: Dead in attacks on the city of Gaza

Fighting continues in several areas of the Gaza Strip. According to medical sources, there are again casualties.

Israel's army continues its operations in the city of Gaza. (archive picture)
Israel's army continues its operations in the city of Gaza. (archive picture)

Middle East - Palestinians: Dead in attacks on the city of Gaza

In the Gaza conflict, according to Palestinian reports, there have been more fatalities. At least eight Palestinians were killed in two Israeli attacks on the city of Gaza in the northern part of the territory, sources in the coastal strip mentioned.

Dozens more people were reportedly injured. The targets, according to the sources, were a house and a school. The reports could not be independently verified at first. The Israeli army stated that they were checking the reports.

According to the Israeli army, operations are currently ongoing in several areas in the Gaza Strip. In the Shejaiya neighborhood in the city of Gaza, tunnel routes were reportedly destroyed. Soldiers allegedly killed "dozens of terrorists in close combat, with tank fire and in air raids." Neighbors reported that armed Hamas members also attacked soldiers. The neighborhood is known as a stronghold of the Islamist organization.

Fighting is also reportedly ongoing in the city of Rafah in the southern part of the coastal region, according to the army. Several armed individuals were reportedly killed in an air raid, who, according to the army's statement, posed a threat to the soldiers.

According to medical sources, medics cannot currently reach the contested areas in Rafah and Shejaiya.

According to the military, there are still operations ongoing in the center of the Gaza Strip. Over 50 targets were reportedly destroyed by air raids in the Palestinian territory on Wednesday.

All reports could not be independently verified at first.

The conflict in Gaza has led to fatalities and injuries in the Palestinian territories, particularly in the city of Rafah in the south and Gaza City in the north. Israel has conducted attacks on these areas, allegedly targeting houses and schools, resulting in losses among Palestinian civilians. The Israeli army claims to have engaged in combat with armed individuals in these locations, citing them as threats to their forces. Medical personnel find it challenging to reach the contested areas in Rafah and Shejaiya due to the ongoing operations.

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