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Palestinians: 15 Dead after Air Raid on Refugee Camp

Israel's army accuses Hamas of using civilians as shields yet again in the Gaza conflict. Reports indicate terrorists have hiding in a school building.

Israel accuses Hamas of misusing schools and civilians as human shields repeatedly. (Archival...
Israel accuses Hamas of misusing schools and civilians as human shields repeatedly. (Archival image)

Gaza War - Palestinians: 15 Dead after Air Raid on Refugee Camp

In a air raid on a school building in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian reports, approximately 15 people were killed. Dozens were injured, Hamas announced. The Israeli military previously stated that it had targeted several Hamas fighters in the area of an UNRWA school.

The target served as a hideout and operations base for attacks against the Israeli military, the army stated. Prior to the attack, the army took numerous steps to minimize risk to civilians, it was reported. The statements of both sides could not be verified independently.

In Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, the Israeli army had recently, according to its own reports, targeted several terrorists hiding in a school building from the air. Precision munition was used to avoid civilian casualties. Shortly beforehand, according to Hamas, 16 people had been killed in an attack on a former UNRWA school, which had served as a refugee shelter since the outbreak of the Gaza war.

The Israeli army once again emphasized that the terror organization systematically violates international laws by using civilian institutions such as schools and the population as human shields for terrorist attacks against the State of Israel. The trigger for the war was the massacre committed by terrorists from Hamas and other groups in Israel on October 7, 2023, which left over 1,200 people dead.

  1. The UNRWA, responsible for providing aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, strongly condemned the air raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp, expressing deep concern for the safety of children and civilians in the Palestinian territories.
  2. The incident in the Gaza Strip has once again highlighting the long-standing conflicts between Hamas and Israel, with international organizations calling for a ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and damage to infrastructure, including schools in the Gazastrip.
  3. The Israeli government, responding to the criticism, alleged that Hamas continues to use school buildings in Nuseirat as bases for launching attacks against Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities, thereby endangering the lives of innocent children and civilians.
  4. Amidst the ongoing war, the Israeli military has been urging schools in Nuseirat and other parts of Gaza to evacuate temporarily, citing the danger posed by Hamas's use of civilian institutions for military purposes.
  5. The latest incident has added to the mounting pressure on both sides to find a peaceful solution to the conflicts in the Palestinian territories, with international bodies calling for an immediate end to the escalating violence and air raids on civilian areas.
  6. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported a surge in the number of injured civilians in the Gaza Strip, with many being treated in makeshift hospitals and clinics within the overcrowded refugee camps, such as Nuseirat.
  7. Activists and human rights organizations have urged the global community to intervene in the situation in the Gaza Strip, calling for an immediate end to the air raids on schools and civilian areas, and for a renewed commitment to achieve a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine.

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