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Over the weekend, the Pope, Michael, and Paul were present.

Stunning, isn't it? Should you desire an extended view of such a spectacle, perhaps it's time to...
Stunning, isn't it? Should you desire an extended view of such a spectacle, perhaps it's time to take action. Merely a suggestion...

Over the weekend, the Pope, Michael, and Paul were present.

This weekend is projected to be damp and chilly in numerous areas, serving as a prompt to ponder on some comforting sentiments on how to extricate ourselves from this predicament. The subject matter of a whale defender, Michael Douglas, and the Pope, becomes pertinent to this discussion, according to the columnist.

Initially, I intended to compose an extensive piece discussing the superfluous behavior of the Pope. I questioned whether such an institution as the Pope isn't perhaps an anachronism, if the positions of the Catholic Church are excessively misogynistic, excessively antagonistic towards everything and everyone not adhering to heterosexuality or asexuality, and if the Church cannot manifest a bit more optimism and hope towards the future given the precarious state of the world.

Faith continues to be a contentious issue, dividing instead of uniting people, which is its primary function. Regrettably, the Catholic Church and the Pope have limited influence over many aspects at present, but they could display more commitment, exert more effort towards peace, and provide more motivation. Admittedly, they could grant women more prominence, as research revealed that women initiate fewer conflicts and are less destructive than men. I do not assert this argument solely due to my gender. I have no desire to live in a world dominated solely by women or ruled by a woman. Plenty of men can endure attending church and listening to a sermon from a female minister.

However, I concur with the Pope on one issue: He remarked, and even traditional housewives might be enticed to pay heed: "Woman is receptive, care, living dedication." It is remarkable that the Pope has uttered such words, despite his archaic views. At least, he concludes his statement wisely: "And thereby, woman is more significant than man." The statement holds a kernel of truth, and if we can acknowledge that women should no longer be confined to antiquated gender roles, and that such statements only perpetuate the division between men and women, then I may recite a few additional rosaries on Sunday.

I stumbled upon various topics confronting our attention during my web browsing, and I do not wish to focus on a single, aged white man.

Imprisonment of Paul Watson for fifteen years?

Another aging individual also merits our attention: Paul Watson. For the past four decades, he has championed whales and was arrested in Greenland a few weeks ago and is now incarcerated in Denmark. His detention stems from an international arrest warrant issued by Japan in 2010, due to a protest action against whaling in Antarctica. He is accused of property damage. Now, it hinges on whether he will be extradited to Japan. Supporters are concerned that Watson could spend at least fifteen years behind bars. A septuagenarian has limited time for such capers. He is not only a whale advocate and environmental activist but also a husband and father. In the eyes of numerous individuals, he is a hero. Others may not endorse his methods, but they do not perceive him as a convict, but rather an individual striving to save the world. Perhaps with unconventional tactics, given his declining years.

The text you provided is already in English. No translation is necessary. Here it is once more:

Petition to Protect Whales

His children are still young, perhaps they will never see him again and will only know him as the man with the white beard who courageously opposed corporations and nations in protecting a handful of unique animals. The ocean, in fact, the world - and also your future! That's why I encourage you, on this cozy weekend in your warm abode, to sign this petition here. It is forwarded directly to Denmark, to #Mette, who is the prime minister of this small, hygge country, which also encompasses Greenland, and they hunt whales. And whale defenders, once they set foot on land.

Michael Douglas in Kyiv

I realize that I have been focusing solely on old white men, but Franca Lehfeldt has already penned an entire book on this subject. Therefore, I may still employ this column for this endangered species.

The other aging individual whose sentiments resonate with me is Michael Douglas. He is currently in Kyiv, as locals refer to it, and his message to us is as startling as it is straightforward: "Hello everyone. I am in Kyiv, Ukraine, for the first time and as a guest of the First Lady (...) I have been profoundly moved by what I have witnessed, the people of Kyiv, and their accomplishments. And I am contemplating what I can do. Where can I contribute? How can I assist?" Michael Douglas would not be Michael Douglas if he did not have an idea: "I wish for everyone to be aware of United24, which is under the patronage of President Selenskyj and addresses all the challenges that Ukraine is confronting." He encourages his followers to follow suit and support United24. Because: "Every contribution truly makes a difference!"

Divinity Within You

Additionally, the first anniversary of the massacre in Israel is on the schedule of all news outlets worldwide tomorrow, and I have already advised my children to avoid the sensitive locations in their hometown on that day, as clashes between various protesters are anticipated.

I gotta be honest, I'm not one for religious stuff, no rosary prayers here. But ain't it sweet to imagine if there's some deity out there, responsible for a few lovely things? Like the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot, the nuttiness of roasted almonds, the sweetness of new wine, or the warmth of the first fireplace lit in the chilly season. You're saying it's all down to humans, except the leaves rustling? Alright, but then there's a whole lot of divinity in us humans, ain't there?

Who if not us?

I've been thinking about the world's state these days, and it's clear something needs to be done. Stand up together, show some action for what matters most to us, whether it's for or against important issues. Not letting forces take control in our country that's against our hard-earned freedom, democracy, and equality. These are values we can't compromise on, and we shouldn't let others do either. Those that don't like it here, can pack their bags, and others ought to play by the general rules and regulations of coexistence, right? So, I'm guessing you're agreeing with me, dear readers.

In light of the divisive nature of religions, it's unfortunate that they often fail to unite rather than divide people. Despite this, there are still instances where religious leaders, like the Pope, can make significant contributions to promoting peace and unity.

The existence of diverse religions also reflects the rich cultural tapestry of humanity, each with their unique beliefs and practices that shape their communities and perspectives.

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