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Over half of people disapprove of Israel's behavior in the Gaza Strip.

Support is at 33% level.

More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war.
More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war.

Over half of people disapprove of Israel's behavior in the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza conflict rages on, and Israel's fight against Hamas has become increasingly disastrous for civilians on the ground. A recent poll conducted by Forsa for "Stern" magazine reveals how the public in Germany views this complicated situation.

With casualties mounting and people living in untenable conditions in the Gaza Strip, an overwhelming 61% of the German population now oppose Israel's military actions in the secluded coastal territory. This finding comes as a result of a survey, which was conducted over phone with 1003 respondents on May 30th and 31st. The poll's results are deemed representative.

Interestingly, just a few months ago, in November, a similar Forsa survey for "Stern" indicated that 62% of respondents supported Israel's military action. So, there's been a significant shift of opinion.

Targeting Hamas

The Gaza War's origins can be traced back to a brutal massacre carried out by the extremist Islamic group Hamas and other militant organizations in southern Israel on October 7th. The attack left more than 1,200 people dead on the Israeli side. Israel retaliated with aggressive air strikes and a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. According to the Hamas-controlled health authorities, over 36,400 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the war.

The primary aim of Operation Protective Edge, as Israel calls it, is to destroy Hamas and liberate the hostages held by the terrorist group. There's a mounting fear that many of the 124 remaining hostages in Gaza may not be alive anymore.

Read also:

The shift in public opinion in Germany towards disapproval of Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip, as revealed by a recent survey, is significant, with 61% now opposing these actions compared to 62% who supported them just a few months prior.

Germans' disagreement with Israel's behavior in the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in mounting casualties and dire living conditions for civilians, may be influenced by the ongoing Israel war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, a conflict tracing back to October with 1,200 deaths in Israel and over 36,400 in the Gaza Strip since its inception.

