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Over 500 migrants saved near the Canary Islands.

Increasingly, Africans are embarking on perilous ocean crossings in overloaded vessels to reach the Canary Islands. This has led to mounting irritation towards Madrid and the European Union on the islands.

Migrants are crowded into a wooden boat (archive photo).
Migrants are crowded into a wooden boat (archive photo).

Displaced Individuals - Over 500 migrants saved near the Canary Islands.

Rescue crews from Spain have managed to rescue hundreds of migrants within a brief time span who had found themselves in peril around the Canary Islands. They managed to rescue a total of 516 refugees across five separate vessels, with some reports indicating that these efforts continued throughout the night.

Among those saved were numerous women, children, and infants hailing primarily from African nations south of the Sahara. The migrants were brought to the islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and El Hierro due to their condition worsening, with many of them being reported as critical upon arrival. Some speculate that at least ten to twelve individuals lost their lives during their perilous journey across the Atlantic, as their bodies were said to have been thrown overboard. What's more, a woman was said to have given birth during this treacherous journey.

Rising numbers of refugees near the Canary Islands

For quite some time now, a larger number of refugee vessels have been arriving at the Canaries, about 100 kilometers off the northwest coast of Africa. There has been a noticeable surge in migration along this route since fall 2022. This surge in migration could be partially attributed to the crisis unfolding in Senegal. As of late, the Interior Ministry in Madrid reports almost 21,000 migrants who set sail for Spain in the first five months of this year. This number represents a striking increase of 136% in comparison to the previous year.

Fernando Clavijo, the regional president, has demanded immediate action from Spain and Europe yet again. He lamented that "the situation isn't fair" and that this is not only unfair to those fleeing from starvation and death, but also to the Canary Islands which are enduring the entire strain of Europe's southern border.

Sadly, countless lives lost in pursuit of a better life

According to the well-respected Spanish humanitarian group, Caminando Fronteras, a shocking 6,618 migrants perished trying to reach Spain by sea in the recent past. This terrible statistic represents an increase of 177% when compared to the 2022 figures where 2,390 casualties were documented. An astounding 6,007 of these deaths occurred in transit from West Africa to the Canaries. Furthermore, 611 fatalities were recorded on what's known as the Mediterranean route and through the Strait of Gibraltar.

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