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Is Joe Biden still giving in to pressure from parts of his party?
Is Joe Biden still giving in to pressure from parts of his party?

Other deputies write letter to Biden

In the ranks of the Democrats, efforts are continuing to persuade President Joe Biden to renounce his presidential candidacy. Now he even receives a corresponding letter from several representatives. The family of the 81-year-old is reportedly discussing exit scenarios.

Four more Democrats in the US House of Representatives have spoken out for Biden's withdrawal from the race for the White House. "It's time now for you to pass the torch to a new generation of democratic leaders," wrote representatives Jared Huffman from California, Mark Veasey from Texas, Chuy Garcia from Illinois, and Mark Pocan from Wisconsin in a letter to Biden, which they made public. "We must defeat Donald Trump to save our democracy."

The 81-year-old Biden has faced increasing demands from his own party to withdraw his candidacy and make way for someone with better prospects since his weak performance in the televised debate with his Republican challenger Trump. However, Representative Shri Thanedar from Detroit stated that it was too late to change the candidate. However, voters in his constituency had also expressed concerns about Biden's age.

"Ultimately, it's President Biden's decision. No one else can make this decision. He certainly has the right to retire from his position if he decides to do so, but he has - in my personal conversations with him - shown that he does not intend to do so," Thanedar said.

There have been many concerns and withdrawal demands from the ranks of the Democrats recently. Joe Biden himself, according to media reports, is open to withdrawal. Publicly, he has repeatedly ruled this out.

Report: Family debates exit strategy

Members of President Joe Biden's family were reportedly discussing how an exit from his campaign could look. NBC News reported this based on two people familiar with the discussions. The discussions were reportedly about exit options for Biden.

The people quoted by NBC News describe two conditions for a potential withdrawal plan that were reportedly the "general tenor" of the discussions: If Biden were to make this decision, his withdrawal should put the party in the best position to defeat former President Donald Trump. It is also important that Biden leaves office with dignity. That Biden is even considering withdrawal and playing out potential withdrawal plans with his family is a new development, NBC News writes.

In light of the United States Presidency Election 2024, discussions about exit strategies have emerged within President Joe Biden's family, as reported by NBC News. Several Democrats in the US House of Representatives have urged Biden to consider stepping down, believing it's time for a new generation of leaders to take the helm for the Democratic Party, aiming to secure a victory against former President Donald Trump.

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