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Orders in the main construction sector down again - Significant drop in civil engineering

Growth in building construction

A tower crane reaches for the sky on a construction site: the construction industry is
A tower crane reaches for the sky on a construction site: the construction industry is particularly hard hit by the shortage of skilled

Orders in the main construction sector down again - Significant drop in civil engineering

After two consecutive increases, new orders in the main construction sector fell again significantly in September. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the real decline compared to the previous month was 7.3 percent. However, the development was split in two: While companies in building construction received 7.9 percent more orders, orders in civil engineering fell by a significant 18.8 percent.

This also has to do with the fact that incoming orders in civil engineering were particularly high in August due to several large orders. Compared to September 2022, real order intake rose by 13.2% overall - in building construction it was 12.6% and in civil engineering 13.8%.

According to the Federal Office, incoming orders for the first three quarters were down 5.6% in real terms compared to the same period of the previous year. This was mainly due to the very low level of incoming orders at the beginning of the year. There have also been problems with orders in residential construction in recent months.


