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Orban's EU right-wing alliance about to achieve parliamentary group status

Hungary's head of government wants to make his voice heard in Europe's parliament with a new right-wing group. He hopes that the influx of like-minded people will give him strength in the fight against the "Brussels elites".

Orban (r), Kickl (M) and Babis (l) seal the "Patriots for Europe" alliance in Vienna. (archive...
Orban (r), Kickl (M) and Babis (l) seal the "Patriots for Europe" alliance in Vienna. (archive picture)

Populists in the European Parliament - Orban's EU right-wing alliance about to achieve parliamentary group status

The right-wing alliance "Patrioten für Europa" led by Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban could gain faction status in the new EU parliament. The radical-right Dutch Party of Geert Wilders and the right-populist Danish People's Party have declared their intention to join, making the conditions for the formation of a group in the parliament elected on June 9 be met.

Orban, who is also the chairman of the Hungarian governing party Fidesz, the leader of the Austrian FPO, and the chairman of the liberal-populist Czech ANO, announced the alliance "Patrioten für Europa" in Vienna last Sunday. "A new era begins," Orban said. The new group will change Europe "even against the will of the Brussels elites." The alliance will become "the largest faction of right-wing forces in Europe."

A simultaneously published "Patriotic Manifesto" contains the well-known positions of right-wing, right-populist, and right-extremist parties: rejection of migration and the Green Deal, no support for Ukraine under attack from Russia, and dismantling integration in the EU to strengthen the sovereignty of national states.

For the formation of a group in the European parliament, at least 23 deputies from at least 7 countries are required. Orban's Fidesz, the FPO, and the ANO, along with their 24 deputies, would meet this requirement. Last Sunday, the Portuguese Chega Party and the Spanish VOX announced their intention to join.

Right-wing Dutch and Danes join in

Wilders, the leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), announced on Friday via X: "We want to pool our forces and proudly join the Patrioten für Europa."

A few hours later, Anders Vistisen, an EU deputy of the Danish People's Party (DVP), followed: "The Danish People's Party will join the Patrioten für Europa group," he wrote on X. As the third strongest force, "we can send a clear signal to the federalist extremists and defend Europe of the nation-states."

The Austrian FPO, the Dutch PVV, the Danish DVP, and the Portuguese Chega were part of the ultra-right Identität und Demokratie (ID) fraction in the last European parliament. They would leave the ID with their entry into the "Patrioten." The strongest force in the ID is the Rassemblement National (RN) of the French Marine Le Pen. She intends to express herself about a possible membership in the new right-wing alliance on Monday, the day after the second round of the French parliamentary elections. Orban, who shares her Russia-friendly stance, is counting on her. Only with the deputies of the RN could the "Patrioten für Europa" have the prospect of becoming the third strongest force behind the conservative European People's Party (EVP) and the Social Democrats (SD), or, as announced by Orban, overtaking the other right-wing fraction, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).

The AfD remains outside

The German AfD, which was expelled from the ID fraction before the European election, does not see itself in the ranks of the new alliance around Orban. AfD leader Alice Weidel made this clear last Tuesday. We are in friendly alignment, we have incredible common ground, but both parties are subject to political and also foreign policy and foreign economic pressures that we currently have to take into account, she said in response to a question about whether her party would have wanted to be part of this alliance.

In the AfD leadership, it is whispered that the German government could prevent Orban, as Hungarian prime minister, from coming to an alliance with the AfD due to pressure. There is talk of "extortion potential." This is running behind the scenes, is not provable, but not a conspiracy theory, it is said.

Achievement of recognition for isolated Hungary

For Orban, who is widely isolated in the EU due to his authoritarian ruling style and his closeness to the Kreml, the forging of a new faction in the European Parliament represents a certain success, especially since the French right-wing populists can also be won over for this. Orban's Fidesz has been a member of the EPP, to which the CDU and CSU also belong, since Hungary's EU accession in 2004 and the European election in the same year. After years of disputes, Fidesz left the EPP to prevent an imminent expulsion. The Fidesz deputies were subsequently left without a faction.

The AfD, despite sharing similar ideologies, will not join the right-wing alliance "Patrioten für Europa". AfD leader Alice Weidel stated this on Tuesday, citing political and foreign policy pressures as reasons.

The CDU and CSU, German political parties, are part of the EPP, a group that Hungary's Fidesz was a member of until their departure in 2019 due to disputes and the threat of expulsion.

The French Rassemblement National (RN), led by Marine Le Pen, has not yet announced whether they will join the new right-wing alliance. Orban is hopeful about their potential membership to strengthen their position in the EU Parliament.

If RN joins, the "Patrioten für Europa" could potentially become the third strongest force in the EU Parliament, surpassing the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR).

The Czech ANO, led by Andrej Babiš, is also a part of this right-wing alliance. Babiš is not only the chairman of ANO but also the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.

The Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, has expressed their intention to join the "Patrioten für Europa" group. Wilders announced this via X on Friday.

The Fidesz, led by Viktor Orban, the Austrian FPO, and the Czech ANO meet the requirement of at least 23 deputies from 7 countries to form a group in the EU Parliament.

Last Sunday, the Portuguese Chega Party and the Spanish VOX announced their intention to join, adding to the strength of the "Patrioten für Europa" alliance.

The strongest force in the Identität und Demokratie (ID) fraction in the last EU Parliament, the French RN, may potentially leave the ID to join the new alliance.

The AfD was a part of the ID fraction before being expelled before the European election. Their leadership now whispers that the German government could prevent Orban from forming an alliance with the AfD due to pressure.

The "Patrioten für Europa" aims to change Europe against the will of the Brussels elites and become the largest faction of right-wing forces in Europe.

Their manifesto contains positions against migration, the Green Deal, and the support of Ukrainian sovereignty. They also seek to strengthen national state sovereignty within the EU.

The "Patrioten für Europa" alliance was officially announced by Viktor Orban in Vienna last Sunday, with Orban stating "A new era begins."

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